Celebrate National Gum Care Month

gum care month - colorado spring, co

Celebrating Gum Care Month


Celebrating Gum Care Month with Colorado Springs Dentists

Preventative dentistry is a priority for us at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Our Colorado Springs dentists always encourage our patients to practice good oral health habits. In honor of September being National Gum Care Month, we are sharing a few ways you can improve your gum health. 

About Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a long-term infection of your gums. Without treatment early on, it causes loss of gum tissue, underlying bone, and, eventually, tooth loss. By the age of 45, more than 80% of Americans have some kind of gum disease. Fortunately, gum disease can easily be prevented. 

Early Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease can go without being noticed in the early stages, which is why it’s important to take care of your teeth daily. Some of the early signs of gum disease include: 

  • Swollen/red gums
  • Sensitivity to hot/cold drinks or foods
  • Receding gums
  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing teeth
  • Shifts in your smile

How to Care For Your Mouth & Avoid Gum Disease

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. Sticky plaque constantly forms on the teeth, and if left there, it quickly hardens into tartar. This is a hard substance that can only be removed by your hygienist. Plaque and tartar can contribute to gum disease.
  • Floss on a regular basis. In this case, regularly should be understood as “every day.” Brushing your teeth removes plaque, but only floss can clean in between teeth.
  • To remove tiny particles and minimize plaque, our friend Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, recommends using mouthwash. Mouthwash does not replace brushing and flossing, but when used in conjunction with other healthy practices, it can help to freshen breath, eradicate bacteria, and keep teeth strong.
  • Consume a well-balanced diet. A nutritious, balanced diet high in vitamins and nutrients and low in sugar will help your immune system fight off harmful bacteria, inflammation, and illness. Remember to eat your greens if you want to keep your teeth white!
  • Every six months, visit your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, for a thorough cleaning. Dr. Boals or Dr. Johnson can also examine your teeth and gums and recommend you to a periodontist if you have any concerns. It is critical to treat gum disease as soon as possible. If left untreated, it can ruin teeth, gums, bones, and connective tissue, as well as contribute to a number of health issues. So, plan an appointment with your dentist at least twice a year.

Dangers of Plaque

Plaque is the most common cause of gum disease. Furthermore, the bacteria in plaque create toxins or poisons that irritate the gums. They may cause them to enlarge, grow red, and bleed easily. Plaque can also solidify into calculus – or tartar — a harsh, porous substance. This can happen above or below the gum line. Periodontal disease degrades the supporting gum tissue and bone that hold teeth in place. Ultimately, it leads to permanent bone and tooth loss. 

Contact Dentist in Colorado Springs, CO

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is happy to help you improve your oral health. One of the best things you can do is schedule a professional cleaning and exam. Catching gum disease early on will ensure that your teeth are happy and healthy. Schedule your appointment today! 

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions

temporary crown post-op instructions - Colorado Springs CO

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions

Temporary Crown Post-Op Instructions From Colorado Springs Dentist

Need a dental crown? Your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, will need to put a temporary crown on first until your custom, permanent crown is made. Below, Dr. Cody Boals shares temporary crown post-op instructions. 

Temporary Crowns Must-Knows

So, if you have a temporary crown on right now, know that it’s there to protect your tooth until your permanent crown is ready. There is a possibility for your temporary to come off, so we are giving you a few tips and tricks to stop your temporary crown from coming off.  Watch our YouTube video to hear from Dr. Cody Boals. 

Brushing and Flossing

Dr. Boals recommends brushing normally around that area. But when you floss, go towards the gum line instead of coming back up or coming down – pull it right through. This will prevent the crown from popping up when you’re flossing. 

Broken Temporary Crown

So another thing that can happen is that temporary can crack. The temporary crown is made of acrylic, not the hard material your permanent crown is made out of. So, if it does crack, if it does pop off, if you’re eating sticky foods, or it just pops off, just give us a call. Don’t freak out. It’s not an emergency, but we’ll get you in right away to get that area cover back up and protected. So, wait on hard or sticky foods until we have the permanent crown on. If your permanent crown does fall off, contact an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs.

Permanent Dental Crown

Your temporary crown placement will get fitted in about two weeks from your first visit. Please don’t hesitate to contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry if you have any questions or concerns about your temporary crown post-op instructions. 

How Dental Crowns Work

how dental crowns work - Colorado Springs, CO

How Dental Crowns Work To Save Your Tooth

It’s natural for you to feel a little nervous when your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, recommends a dental crown. However, once you understand how a dental crown works, you’ll discover you have nothing to be worried about. In fact, dental crowns are one of the most common restorative dentistry treatments available. Below, Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson share how dental crowns work to save your tooth from further damage. 

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that covers the tooth’s base. Most dentists provide a porcelain dental crown because it blends seamlessly with natural teeth. Dental crowns are extremely popular because they can solve many dental problems: 

  • Cracked Tooth
  • Decayed Tooth
  • Post root canal therapy
  • Post dental implant placement
  • Want to aesthetically improve your smile

Dental Crown Placement

Now that you understand how a dental crown works and what purpose it serves, it is time to become acquainted with the procedure. A dental crown is typically placed over the course of two appointment visits. Your Colorado Springs dentists will examine and prepare the tooth at the initial visit. Depending on the circumstances, you may be subjected to a series of X-rays. If you have an infection or substantial tooth decay, a root canal may be required before a dental crown may be set.

After numbing your gum tissue and tooth, your dentist will begin filing down the surface and sides of the damaged tooth. Note that you should feel any discomfort. To effectively support the crown, your dentist may use a filling.

After the tooth has been reshaped, your dentist will add putty, then place your temporary crown. Be gentle with your temporary crown and avoid chewing on ice or eating sticky foods.

Your dentist will place the permanent dental crown during your second visit. Dr. Boals or Dr. J will numb the area again before placing the final crown. Our friend, Dr. Wade, a dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, says that it’s normal to not feel used to your dental crown for the first few days. You’ll feel back to normal in no time. 

Maintaining Dental Crowns

Your new dental crown can last you from 5 to 15 years. You don’t need any additional maintenance. Continue to brush twice a day, floss daily, and visit your dentist’s office. Most patients don’t have any problems with their dental crowns. If you have the habit of chewing on hard or sticky foods, it is possible that the crown breaks. If this happens, contact an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

Understanding how a dental crown functions can help to calm your nerves. The treatment is completely painless and can prevent additional dental problems from developing. If you’re looking for a dentist in Colorado Springs, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today! Additionally, we offer virtual dental consultations to all of our patients! 

Post Root Canal Tips

post root canal tips - Colorado Springs

Post Root Canal Tips

Post Root Canal Tips to a Fast Recovery

A root canal is a treatment to repair and save a damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. If you’ve just had a root canal, congratulations! You go through it. Root canals often get a bad rap on TV shows and commercials because patients are in pain. However, this is not the case because root canals are the procedure we use to get you out of pain. In the article below, Dr. Cody Boals shares what you can expect over the next couple of days and weeks. 

Post Root Canal: Days After

So after any surgical procedure, you can expect to be sore for a few days. Dr. Boals says you can expect some discomfort around the tooth and maybe even way down at the tooth. This can go on until that area is healed and that infection is 100% cleared. It’s nothing too bad. Just expect a little bit of soreness in that area.

Post Root Canal with Dental Crown 

If you’ve had a dental crown does as well, you’ll want to avoid chewing on that tooth. That area might take at least seven to 10 days to start feeling normal again. Stay on top of your pain medication. Dr. Boals recommends taking ibuprofen 600 milligrams every six hours. You can also add Tylenol. You can do 500 milligrams at that same time.

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

Root canals are done all the time by your Coloraod Springs dentists. If you have any questions or concerns about this treatment, please contact our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO. Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson are happy to help. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay informed on our latest tips and tricks.

Root Canal vs. Extraction


Root Canal vs. Extraction

The Difference Between a Root Canal vs. Extraction

Tooth decay is one of the biggest problems in dentistry. Lack of good oral hygiene will likely lead to cavities, tooth decay, and tooth infections. If there ever comes a time where you experience excruciating tooth pain, you will need to see an emergency dentist ASAP. The best dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, will either recommend a root canal or a tooth extraction. Keep in mind that Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson will do everything in their power to save your natural teeth. If your tooth is beyond repair, your Colorado Springs dentists may recommend a tooth extraction. So, which is better? In this article, we break down the difference between a root canal vs. extraction

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction? 

When it comes to fixing an infected tooth, a tooth extraction may appear to be the simplest alternative. However, tooth extractions are a permanent solution. Most dentists in Colorado Springs will recommend anything else before pulling a tooth. Of course, we want the best for our patients, which is why we will weigh out the pros and cons of each treatment. If you’ve never had a tooth extraction before, here’s what to expect.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

The Kissing Camels team will use one of our sleep dentistry options during the tooth extraction to ensure the patient is fully comfortable. Our goal is to get your tooth out pain-free. Our dentists should be able to complete your extraction in one visit (unless it’s more complicated). Keep in mind that it’s completely normal to feel some discomfort after the extraction, says Dr. Boals.

What Are the Dangers of Tooth Extraction?

There are some situations where a tooth extraction is absolutely necessary. However, in some cases, an extraction can make the problem worse. After the tooth has been pulled, you will have an empty area in your mouth. Therefore, this can be a breeding ground for bacteria/cavities and cause infections that spread swiftly to adjacent teeth, resulting in a chain of extractions.

Not to mention that a lost tooth complicates matters for the teeth around it. Other teeth will receive any muscular support and may become weak or shift in the mouth. This can lead to congestion, crowding, and misalignment of the teeth. One loose tooth can induce other teeth to follow suit, and before long, all of your teeth may be loose and begin to fall off or become infected. Talk to your dentist in Colorado Springs about what they recommend. It’s okay to get a few opinions about your smile. To help save you a visit to our office, we now offer virtual dental consultations. Find out what our dental professionals recommend!

The Root Canal Procedure Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction

A root canal has a higher success rate than a tooth extraction because there are few to no long-term consequences. Dentists perform root canals to clean and mend diseased teeth. There is no need to extract the infected tooth with root canal therapy.

The Root Canal Procedure

Root canals are often misunderstood. Many patients have the misconception that root canals are painful. In reality, the tooth infection is what’s painful. Once the tooth’s root has been restored, the pain will disappear. If your tooth is damaged due to decay but is repairable, your dentist will recommend root canal therapy. The process begins with X-rays. Here, we see the severity of the infection as well as the number of teeth infected. Once we’ve determined that root canal therapy is the better option, we will place rubber or vinyl over the neighboring teeth. This is done to keep the infection from spreading.

A hole is then drilled into the tooth. Then your dentist will remove infected pulp as well as any dead tissues. The whole will be filled with a filling or dental crown so that the tooth is fully functioning again. Your dentist may recommend antibiotics or pain relievers post-surgery. 

What Are the Dangers?

If root canal therapy is not performed correctly, the enamel may be damaged. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, a dentist Grand Junction, CO, highly recommends seeing an experienced professional. A root canal gone wrong can be extremely painful. 

Which is Better: Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

A root canal is a superior solution for many dental offices. However, in extreme circumstances, tooth extraction is the only alternative. These restorative dentistry treatments both have advantages and disadvantages, so they will rely on your total oral history and process preference. If you’re experiencing tooth decay, please contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. We’re happy to take a look and recommend the best treatment plan for your unique smile.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

tooth extraction Colorado Springs dentist

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

Having a tooth extracted can seem like a scary experience. In reality, most emergency dentists aim to prevent tooth extractions. As your trusted dentist, keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is always one of the top priorities. However, there are times when it obviously cannot be prevented. When a tooth extraction must be extracted as a last resort, you’ll need to find a dentist that will make sure you are comfortable before and after tooth extraction. Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson discuss tooth extraction recovery tips below.

Why Do I Need to Get a Tooth Pulled?

As previously mentioned, your Colorado Springs dentist can only remove a tooth if it is absolutely necessary. Here are a few examples of when this may be the case:

  • Your child’s baby teeth have not fallen out. Therefore an extraction is needed for the permanent teeth to emerge.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth.
  • You are getting your teeth ready for orthodontics or other dental treatments.
  • Teeth that have not penetrated the gum line.
  • Teeth that are severely decayed or destroyed, creating issues with the dental structure.

How Much Time Will It Take to Recover?

The tooth extraction recovery process can vary depending on the seriousness of the problem and the method of extraction. Extractions come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Wisdom teeth extractions: These third molars are often extracted to avoid overcrowding, infection, deterioration, or other oral health issues.
  • Multiple tooth extraction: Whether you have injured or severely decayed teeth, or if biology is a factor in your poor oral health, you will need to have multiple teeth removed. It’s also possible that you’re getting braces and need some teeth extracted to make room for your changing teeth.
  • Extraction site preservation: If you have lost teeth, you must replace them with dental implants. However, if you do not have enough bone protection, it might be important to perform extraction site preservation so that the bone around your missing tooth can be reinforced.

In most cases, the healing process can take one to two weeks, says Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

You will be given detailed instructions for post-tooth extraction recovery to ensure a smooth recovery period. Here are some pointers to consider:

  • Gently bite the gauze placed on the extraction site. The amount of bleeding will be reduced as a result of this.
  • In the days following the operation, eat softer foods and stop chewing on the side of your mouth where the tooth was removed.
  • Do not return to work right away. Take at least two days off to relax. Our friend Dr. Ryan Helgerson, an emergency dentist in Grand Junction, says that patients who jump straight back into the swing of things are likely to complicate recovery. 
  • If the pain is unbearable, you should take a mild pain reliever that will be given to you. Use only as directed.
  • To minimize swelling, apply a cold compress.
  • Avoid drinking with a straw until you are fully healed. 
  • Avoid cleaning the area where the extraction happened, but continue to practice proper oral hygiene.

So, if you must get a tooth extracted, make sure to follow the above tooth extraction recovery tips closely. For dental care in Colorado Springs, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. We provide a variety of dental services for all ages. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tips for Choosing an Emergency Dentist

emergency dentist near me

Tips for Choosing an Emergency Dentist

If you were to experience a dental emergency right now, who would you call? Not every dental office is willing to provide emergency dental care when you need it. It’s important to be prepared in case things go wrong. Finding the right emergency dentist can be difficult when you’re in a hurry to get treatment. In this article, Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson share a few tips for choosing an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs.

Searching for an Emergency Dentist Near Me

If you have a tiny crack in your tooth or it has been completely knocked out, the last thing you want to do is drive an hour out of town to get the care you need – particularly if you are in pain! As a result, begin your search with practices within 20 minutes of your most frequented locations, such as your workplace, home, or child’s school. After all, you’ll want the best dentist in Colorado Springs to have the best chance of saving your tooth if you see him or her within 30 minutes of the accident!

Dental Insurance

It’s no secret that dental care can easily become prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, this is where insurance comes into play! Since every dental plan is different, find out ahead of time if the dental team you’re thinking about using supports yours. Otherwise, you’ll be paying the price for quality care.

Dental Office Hours

Dental emergencies are never easy, but they can be particularly aggravating if they occur late at night, on the weekend, or on a holiday. So, ask your new dentist about their dental office hours. Avoid choosing an emergency dentist with operating hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our friend Dr. Moghadam, a dentist who is an emergency dentist in Easton, PA, says this is one of the biggest complications patients deal with. 

Emergency Dental Services

It’s critical to get fast, effective relief, but what happens next? For example, if your knocked-out tooth cannot be saved, having a dentist who provides tooth replacement alternatives, such as dental implants, is advantageous. Choosing a new dentist who offers a wide range of dental services under one roof is critical, particularly in an emergency!

What Ages Do They Work With?

Your dentist should also be a family dentist in Colorado Springs in case your little ones need care. As a parent, you know accidents happen when we least expect them. Some dental offices will turn patients away because they do not treat certain ages. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry provides quality dental care for all ages!

Dental emergencies can be chaotic, but if you are prepared ahead of time, the experience can go much more smoothly. Fortunately, you can use the information given above to locate an emergency dentist right away! Contact Kissin Camels Family Dentistry for emergency dental care in Colorado Springs, CO. 

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth - Colorado Springs

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can be quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to prevent wisdom teeth. Most of us will need to see their dentist for wisdom teeth removal at some point in their lives. Why? The impacted wisdom teeth are the third molars on the back of the mouth that do not have enough space for emerging or developing normally. It’s important to get your wisdom teeth removed before dental problems develop. Below, Dr. Boals, your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, shares signs of impacted wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge, usually from 17-25 years old.  Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of their mouth—two at the top, two at the bottom. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, damage to other teeth, and other dental problems. In certain cases, the damaged teeth of wisdom do not cause any obvious or immediate problems. But since they are hard to clean, they may be more vulnerable to dental decay and gum disease than other teeth.

Wealth-impacted teeth that cause discomfort or other dental problems are usually removed. Some dentists and oral surgeons also prescribe the removal of damaged wisdom teeth that do not cause symptoms to prevent potential complications.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth do not always trigger symptoms. However, if the impacted wisdom tooth is infected, it can cause significant damages to other teeth or causes other dental problems. Watch out for these signs or symptoms: 

  • Red or swollen chewing gum
  • Blood or soft gums
  • Jaw’s Suffering
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Poor breathing
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty to open your mouth

See your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, if you are experiencing signs in the area behind your last molar that could be associated with an affected wisdom tooth.

Cause of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are a problem because there’s usually not enough space in the mouth. Some people have wisdom teeth that turn up without any complications and line up with the other teeth behind the second molar. In certain cases, though, the mouth is too crowded to have third molars. When there’s not enough room, they become stuck.

An impacted wisdom tooth may emerge partly so that some of the crowns are visible (partially impacted) or may never break through the gums (fully impacted). Whether partially or completely affected, the tooth may:

  • Grow at the angle to the next tooth (second molar)
  • Develop at the angle of the back of the mouth.
  • Develop at the right angle to the other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth were “lying down” inside the jawbone.
  • Grow up or down like most teeth, but remain stuck within the jawbone.

What Happens If I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed? 

The impacted teeth of wisdom can cause many problems in the mouth:

  • Harm to the other teeth. Our friend Dr. Dave Moghadam, an oral surgeon in Easton, PA, agrees that if the wisdom tooth pushes against the second molar, it can damage the second molar or increase the risk of infection in the area. This pressure can also cause issues with crowding the other teeth or may require orthodontic treatment to straighten the other teeth.
  • Tooth Abscess. The wisdom tooth grows inside the jawbone in a jar. The bag will be filled with fluid, creating a cyst that can damage the jawbone, the teeth, and the nerves. A tumor—usually non-cancer (benign)—rarely grows. This complication can involve tissue and bone removal.
  • Tooth Decay. Partially damaged wisdom teeth tend to be at greater risk of tooth decay (caries) than other teeth. This is possibly due to the fact that wisdom teeth are harder to clean and that food and bacteria are easily stuck between the gum and a partially erupted tooth.
  • Gum Disease. The difficulty of cleaning impacted, partially erupted wisdom teeth increases the risk of developing a painful inflammatory gum condition called periodontitis or gum disease.

Visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

You can’t prevent wisdom teeth from emerging, but you can get them removed before dental problems develop. If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed yet, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO. We will take dental x-rays and put together a custom treatment plan for you. Don’t worry. We offer sedation dentistry for patients who are feeling uneasy about wisdom teeth removal. 

Do I Need My Tooth Extracted?

Do I Need My Tooth Extracted? - Dr. Boals

Do I Need My Tooth Extracted?

During your visit to your Colorado Springs dentist, you may hear some unsettling news. It could just be that you need to have a tooth extracted. There are several reasons beyond your wisdom teeth removal that you may need to have one or more teeth extracted.

We’ve gathered some of the reasons that your dentist in Colorado Springs might recommend an extraction as the best course of treatment.

Overcrowding In Your Mouth

It could just be that there simply isn’t enough space in your mouth to accommodate each of your adult teeth. This can lead to alignment concerns and lead to more serious damage later on.  As your teeth shift about in your mouth, each jostling for space that simply isn’t available. You may also experience trouble with gum disease and advanced tooth decay. Patients with overcrowded teeth also experience discomfort and have difficulty chewing some foods. This is one of the most common reasons for tooth removal in Colorado Springs, says Dr. Cody Boals.

Severe Decay in One or More Teeth

For some patients in Colorado Springs, root canal therapy can salvage a tooth that has been damaged by severe decay. In other patients, the tooth may be so extensively damaged that there is no way to salvage any part of the tooth’s structure. Removing the tooth will be the best choice to get the patient out of pain and halt the continued spread of an infection present in the tooth.

Dr. David Moghadam, a dentist who offers root canal therapy in Easton, PA, says that there’s no fighting decay once it has spread far into a tooth’s roots. Antibiotics can only do so much. The tooth may be lost in time, but it may cause significant pain before then. Extraction is the best way to avoid that pain.

Gum Disease

If it has been some time since you have visited your Colorado Springs family dentist, there is the chance that you may have evidence of gum disease. Periodontal disease can take a toll on your gums and your teeth. The bacteria present can damage the bone structures that provide support for the teeth. Decay will accelerate, and pain may set in. The infection can also potentially spread between teeth.

Your dentist may suggest that a tooth be removed for any of the following reasons.

  • A tooth has developed an abscess and is badly infected
  • The tooth is no longer supported by the jaw and is loose
  • The infection can be seen spreading to the bone, surrounding teeth and even the soft tissue in the mouth

Early stages of gum disease will typically not require a tooth extraction. It is only once an infection has advanced to serious stages that removing an infected tooth is necessary to halt the infection spread and to offer protection for other teeth.

One or More Impacted Wisdom Teeth

It is very common to have impacted wisdom teeth. These teeth erupt in your mouth once all of your other teeth are already in place. This can result in some concerns, including overcrowding and misalignment. 

When wisdom teeth are impacted, they don’t erupt correctly. They are impacted in the gum, beneath the gum. They may partially erupt or not erupt at all. Being the very back molars in your mouth, these teeth are at high risk for damage and decay. The decay may go undetected, to the degree that the tooth begins to cause discomfort and pain.

Your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend an extraction before the teeth begin to cause issues. 

Tooth Damage That Cannot Be Repaired

Whether a tooth has been damaged or broken due to an accident or an injury, it could be that the damage is too extensive. The majority of the time, your dentist can repair the damage using a crown. In some situations, the tooth break may be beneath the gum line. In this situation, removing the remaining tooth structure will typically be better for keeping the infection at bay.

Remember that your situation is unique, and your treatment plan will be tailored to meet your individual needs. If you’re looking for a new dentist in Colorado Springs, you can count on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to provide you with the best care possible. Call us to make your appointment.

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth - Dr. Boals

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth

Teeth are quite sturdy, and if you take extra good care of them, they can last an entire lifetime. However, they aren’t indestructible, and like all bones, can sustain damage from physical trauma. Whether it’s from biting down on something particularly hard or from a fall, the teeth can and will sustain some level of damage if enough force is applied. Since the teeth are crucial to eating and speaking, cracked teeth can greatly impact your quality of life. 

Dr. Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, explains that the teeth are made up of three separate layers. The outer, hardened layer is called the enamel, and it protects the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. A small crack will affect the enamel, but you may not experience sensitivity to sweet foods and temperature. The second layer is the dentin, and once the crack reaches this region, you will definitely experience some sensitivity to temperature and sweet foods. If you don’t visit a dentist in Colorado Springs in time, the crack will grow down to the pulp, the innermost layer of the teeth that houses nerves and blood vessels.  

How Do I Know I Have a Cracked Tooth?

General wear and tear or an injury can result in a cracked tooth, but the crack isn’t always visible. Some cracks are minute and may not require any treatment, but the more extensive cracks that do require some type of dental treatment may result in the following symptoms:

  • Pain that comes and goes when you eat, especially while chewing or biting.
  • Swollen gums around the cracked tooth.
  • Teeth suddenly become sensitive to sweet, hot, or cold foods.
  • Discomfort around the gums and teeth that is hard to pinpoint. 

Dr. Beth Herko, a dentist in New Providence, NJ, says that you may also have a cracked tooth if you bite down too hard on a piece of food, grind your teeth excessively, suffer an injury to your mouth, or have a large existing filling which can weaken the remaining tooth structure. A sudden change in temperature may also result in a cracked tooth. If you drink something hot, let’s say tea, and take a sip of cold water right afterward, the junction between the dentin and the enamel experiences thermal stress which can result in crack formation.

When Should I See My Colorado Springs Dentist?

Some cracks, especially at the front teeth, can be easy to spot and identify. However, it may be a little harder to diagnose a crack in your molars. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, even if you can’t pinpoint exactly which tooth is causing it, you should seek emergency dental care at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Remember, pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right, so don’t ignore it.

Dr. Boals, the best dentist in Colorado Springs CO, encourages you to schedule an appointment at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry if you suspect you have a cracked tooth. He offers some home remedies he says will keep you comfortable until you can see a dentist:

  • Use ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or any other over-the-counter pain reliever to reduce the pain.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to keep it clean and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Eat softer foods and avoid biting down on the damaged tooth (if you know which one it is).
  • If there is swelling, you can use a cold compress to bring it down. Apply it to your cheek for ten minutes at a time until the swelling goes down.
  • You can also treat the tooth with Dentemp, a product sold at most pharmacies and drug stores. It is designed to temporarily treat chipped teeth until you can see a restorative dentist in Colorado Springs.

Treatment for Cracked Teeth

Most of these self-care tips are only stop-gap measures, and you should see your dentist as soon as you can. The longer it goes untreated, the more difficult it will be for Dr. Boals to save the tooth. Left untreated, an infection may occur, causing increased pain, swelling of the gums, increased sensitivity to temperature and sweet foods, and sore neck glands.

Once your Colorado Springs dentist identifies the cracked tooth and the extent of the damage, they will decide on the most suitable treatment:

  • Fillings are the preferred treatment for small cracks and chips of the enamel. If the cracked tooth is at the front of the mouth, your dentist in Colorado Springs will bond a resin to your tooth, shape it and harden it using UV light.
  • Dental veneers. Thin, custom made tooth-colored resin composite material or porcelain that is applied over the cracked surface of an existing tooth.
  • Dental crowns. If the damage to your tooth is substantial, your dentist may file down the remaining part of the tooth and cover it with a cap or crown designed to protect the tooth, preserve its function and improve aesthetic appearance. 

Cracked and chipped teeth are quite treatable, but if left unchecked, it can lead to tooth loss. While there are things you can do to alleviate any pain, the best thing you could do for your teeth is to visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for an evaluation by Dr. Boals. Give us a call today and let our experienced professionals take care of you!