Do I Need My Tooth Extracted?

Do I Need My Tooth Extracted? - Dr. Boals

Do I Need My Tooth Extracted?

During your visit to your Colorado Springs dentist, you may hear some unsettling news. It could just be that you need to have a tooth extracted. There are several reasons beyond your wisdom teeth removal that you may need to have one or more teeth extracted.

We’ve gathered some of the reasons that your dentist in Colorado Springs might recommend an extraction as the best course of treatment.

Overcrowding In Your Mouth

It could just be that there simply isn’t enough space in your mouth to accommodate each of your adult teeth. This can lead to alignment concerns and lead to more serious damage later on.  As your teeth shift about in your mouth, each jostling for space that simply isn’t available. You may also experience trouble with gum disease and advanced tooth decay. Patients with overcrowded teeth also experience discomfort and have difficulty chewing some foods. This is one of the most common reasons for tooth removal in Colorado Springs, says Dr. Cody Boals.

Severe Decay in One or More Teeth

For some patients in Colorado Springs, root canal therapy can salvage a tooth that has been damaged by severe decay. In other patients, the tooth may be so extensively damaged that there is no way to salvage any part of the tooth’s structure. Removing the tooth will be the best choice to get the patient out of pain and halt the continued spread of an infection present in the tooth.

Dr. David Moghadam, a dentist who offers root canal therapy in Easton, PA, says that there’s no fighting decay once it has spread far into a tooth’s roots. Antibiotics can only do so much. The tooth may be lost in time, but it may cause significant pain before then. Extraction is the best way to avoid that pain.

Gum Disease

If it has been some time since you have visited your Colorado Springs family dentist, there is the chance that you may have evidence of gum disease. Periodontal disease can take a toll on your gums and your teeth. The bacteria present can damage the bone structures that provide support for the teeth. Decay will accelerate, and pain may set in. The infection can also potentially spread between teeth.

Your dentist may suggest that a tooth be removed for any of the following reasons.

  • A tooth has developed an abscess and is badly infected
  • The tooth is no longer supported by the jaw and is loose
  • The infection can be seen spreading to the bone, surrounding teeth and even the soft tissue in the mouth

Early stages of gum disease will typically not require a tooth extraction. It is only once an infection has advanced to serious stages that removing an infected tooth is necessary to halt the infection spread and to offer protection for other teeth.

One or More Impacted Wisdom Teeth

It is very common to have impacted wisdom teeth. These teeth erupt in your mouth once all of your other teeth are already in place. This can result in some concerns, including overcrowding and misalignment. 

When wisdom teeth are impacted, they don’t erupt correctly. They are impacted in the gum, beneath the gum. They may partially erupt or not erupt at all. Being the very back molars in your mouth, these teeth are at high risk for damage and decay. The decay may go undetected, to the degree that the tooth begins to cause discomfort and pain.

Your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend an extraction before the teeth begin to cause issues. 

Tooth Damage That Cannot Be Repaired

Whether a tooth has been damaged or broken due to an accident or an injury, it could be that the damage is too extensive. The majority of the time, your dentist can repair the damage using a crown. In some situations, the tooth break may be beneath the gum line. In this situation, removing the remaining tooth structure will typically be better for keeping the infection at bay.

Remember that your situation is unique, and your treatment plan will be tailored to meet your individual needs. If you’re looking for a new dentist in Colorado Springs, you can count on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to provide you with the best care possible. Call us to make your appointment.