Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

tooth extraction Colorado Springs dentist

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

Having a tooth extracted can seem like a scary experience. In reality, most emergency dentists aim to prevent tooth extractions. As your trusted dentist, keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is always one of the top priorities. However, there are times when it obviously cannot be prevented. When a tooth extraction must be extracted as a last resort, you’ll need to find a dentist that will make sure you are comfortable before and after tooth extraction. Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson discuss tooth extraction recovery tips below.

Why Do I Need to Get a Tooth Pulled?

As previously mentioned, your Colorado Springs dentist can only remove a tooth if it is absolutely necessary. Here are a few examples of when this may be the case:

  • Your child’s baby teeth have not fallen out. Therefore an extraction is needed for the permanent teeth to emerge.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth.
  • You are getting your teeth ready for orthodontics or other dental treatments.
  • Teeth that have not penetrated the gum line.
  • Teeth that are severely decayed or destroyed, creating issues with the dental structure.

How Much Time Will It Take to Recover?

The tooth extraction recovery process can vary depending on the seriousness of the problem and the method of extraction. Extractions come in a variety of forms, including:

  • Wisdom teeth extractions: These third molars are often extracted to avoid overcrowding, infection, deterioration, or other oral health issues.
  • Multiple tooth extraction: Whether you have injured or severely decayed teeth, or if biology is a factor in your poor oral health, you will need to have multiple teeth removed. It’s also possible that you’re getting braces and need some teeth extracted to make room for your changing teeth.
  • Extraction site preservation: If you have lost teeth, you must replace them with dental implants. However, if you do not have enough bone protection, it might be important to perform extraction site preservation so that the bone around your missing tooth can be reinforced.

In most cases, the healing process can take one to two weeks, says Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson.

Tooth Extraction Recovery Tips

You will be given detailed instructions for post-tooth extraction recovery to ensure a smooth recovery period. Here are some pointers to consider:

  • Gently bite the gauze placed on the extraction site. The amount of bleeding will be reduced as a result of this.
  • In the days following the operation, eat softer foods and stop chewing on the side of your mouth where the tooth was removed.
  • Do not return to work right away. Take at least two days off to relax. Our friend Dr. Ryan Helgerson, an emergency dentist in Grand Junction, says that patients who jump straight back into the swing of things are likely to complicate recovery. 
  • If the pain is unbearable, you should take a mild pain reliever that will be given to you. Use only as directed.
  • To minimize swelling, apply a cold compress.
  • Avoid drinking with a straw until you are fully healed. 
  • Avoid cleaning the area where the extraction happened, but continue to practice proper oral hygiene.

So, if you must get a tooth extracted, make sure to follow the above tooth extraction recovery tips closely. For dental care in Colorado Springs, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. We provide a variety of dental services for all ages. We look forward to seeing you soon!