Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Overcoming Dental Anxiety June 24

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Overcoming Dental Anxiety: Strategies for Relaxation in the Dental Chair

For many people, visiting the dentist can evoke feelings of fear and anxiety. Dental anxiety can deter individuals from seeking necessary oral care, stemming from past experiences, fear of pain, or anxiety about procedures. At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, recognized as the best dentist in Colorado Springs, we understand the importance of addressing dental anxiety and ensuring our patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their dental visits.

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is a common issue that affects individuals of all ages. It can manifest as mild nervousness or severe fear and can be triggered by various factors, including:

  • Fear of pain: Many people associate dental procedures with pain and discomfort, leading to heightened anxiety.
  • Past traumatic experiences: Negative experiences during previous dental visits can contribute to ongoing dental anxiety.
  • Fear of loss of control: Some individuals fear feeling vulnerable or out of control in the dental chair.
  • Embarrassment: Worries about teeth appearance or oral health can add to dental anxiety.

Strategies for Relaxation in the Dental Chair

Despite its challenges, there are strategies to ease dental anxiety and boost comfort during visits:

1. Communicate with Your Dentist: Open communication with your dentist is essential for addressing dental anxiety. Inform your dentist of your fears and concerns for a more comfortable visit. A caring dentist will address your worries and create a plan to ease your anxiety.

2. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety during dental appointments. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation are all effective techniques for promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Use these techniques before your appointment to feel calmer during your visit.

3. Bring a Support Person: Bringing a trusted friend or family member to accompany you to your dental appointments can provide valuable emotional support and reassurance. Having someone familiar by your side can help ease feelings of anxiety and provide a sense of comfort during your visit. Just be sure to inform your dentist beforehand if you plan to bring a support person with you.

4. Explore Sedation Dentistry Options: Sedation dentistry offers a safe and effective way to manage dental anxiety for individuals who experience severe fear or anxiety about dental procedures. Sedation options like nitrous oxide or IV sedation can ease treatment discomfort. Discuss these options with your dentist to determine if sedation dentistry is right for you.

5. Take Breaks During Treatment: If you feel overwhelmed during your dental procedure, don’t hesitate to ask for breaks. Short breaks allow relaxation and composure restoration during treatment. Your dentist will understand and accommodate your need for breaks to ensure you feel comfortable throughout the appointment.

Why Choose Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for Overcoming Dental Anxiety?

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we’re committed to providing compassionate care and personalized solutions for overcoming dental anxiety. As Colorado Springs’ top dentist, we’re committed to ensuring patient comfort despite dental anxiety. Our experienced dental team takes the time to listen to your concerns, address your fears, and tailor our approach to meet your individual needs, ensuring you receive the care you deserve in a supportive and anxiety-free environment.

Start Your Journey to Stress-Free Dental Visits Today!

Don’t let dental anxiety stand in the way of your oral health and overall well-being. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our strategies for overcoming dental anxiety. With our compassionate care, we’ll help you overcome fears for a healthier smile. Your journey to stress-free dental visits starts here!

Understanding Different Sedation Options

Understanding Different Sedation Options

Understanding Different Sedation Options

Understanding the Different Sedation Options for Dental Procedures: Tips from Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

Dental anxiety is a common concern that can prevent individuals from seeking necessary dental care. At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in the scenic Colorado Springs, we understand the importance of creating a comfortable and stress-free environment for our patients.

Nitrous Oxide: The Gentle Relaxation

Commonly known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is a safe and mild sedative option offered at Kissing Camels. Administered through a mask placed over the nose, nitrous oxide induces a state of relaxation without causing unconsciousness. It is an excellent choice for individuals with mild to moderate dental anxiety. The effects wear off quickly, allowing patients to resume their daily activities with no lingering sedative effects.

Oral Sedation: Calming the Nerves

For those with moderate anxiety or a fear of needles, oral sedation is a convenient and effective option. Patients orally take a prescribed medication before the dental procedure, inducing a deeper state of relaxation. While patients remain conscious, they often report feeling drowsy and less aware of the surroundings. The dental team can adjust the dosage to meet individual needs, and the effects may linger for a few hours after the procedure, necessitating a reliable companion to accompany the patient home.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation: Deep Relaxation for Complex Procedures

Intravenous sedation involves administering sedative medication directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line. This option is suitable for patients with significant anxiety or those undergoing more complex dental procedures. While patients remain in a semi-conscious state, they are less aware of the procedure, ensuring a more comfortable experience. IV sedation requires careful monitoring, and patients will need assistance getting home after the appointment.

General Anesthesia: Unconscious Comfort

Licensed anesthesiologists administer general anesthesia, reserving it for specific cases like extensive oral surgeries or when a patient prefers complete unconsciousness during a procedure. This option ensures complete unconsciousness, allowing the dental team to perform the procedure efficiently while the patient is unaware. General anesthesia requires careful pre-screening and post-operative monitoring, and patients must have a designated companion for transportation and support afterward.

Tailored Approach to Dental Implant Procedures

Understanding that dental implant procedures may evoke heightened anxiety for some individuals, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry ensures a tailored approach to sedation during these appointments. Whether it’s the placement of dental implants or subsequent procedures, sedation options are discussed with the patient to ensure a stress-free and comfortable experience.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry provides numerous benefits beyond anxiety relief. Patients undergoing lengthy or complex procedures often find that time seems to pass quickly under sedation. Additionally, the reduced perception of discomfort and anxiety enables the dental team to work more efficiently, ultimately resulting in a positive overall experience for the patient.

The Consultation Process

The journey to anxiety-free dentistry at Kissing Camels begins with a comprehensive consultation. Our experienced team takes the time to understand each patient’s unique concerns, fears, and medical history. The selection of the most appropriate sedation option is guided by this information, prioritizing the patient’s comfort and safety.

Patient Education and Informed Choices

An integral part of Kissing Camels’ approach to sedation dentistry is patient education. Our team provides detailed information about each sedation option, including potential side effects, recovery times, and any necessary pre-appointment preparations. This ensures that patients can make informed choices aligned with their preferences and comfort levels.

Contact Us! Elevating the Dental Experience at Kissing Camels

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, our commitment to being the Best Dentist extends beyond clinical expertise to creating an environment where every patient feels comfortable and cared for. Sedation dentistry plays a crucial role in achieving this goal, offering tailored options to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Whether it’s the gentle relaxation of nitrous oxide, the calming effect of oral sedation, or the deep relaxation provided by IV sedation, our team ensures that anxiety does not stand in the way of optimal oral health.

If you’re considering dental procedures, including dental implants in Colorado Springs, and have concerns about anxiety or discomfort, contact us today for a consultation. Experience the difference of sedation dentistry at Kissing Camels, where your well-being and comfort are our top priorities on your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry: How Kissing Camels Family Dentistry Offers Stress-Free Dental Experiences

For many, the thought of visiting the dentist can evoke anxiety and apprehension. At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in the heart of Colorado Springs, we understand the importance of a comfortable and stress-free dental experience. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry, a gentle approach to ease dental fears and create a more relaxed atmosphere for our patients. 

Anxiety-Free Dental Visits

Dental anxiety is a common hurdle preventing individuals from seeking essential dental care. Sedation dentistry at Kissing Camels addresses this concern by providing a range of options to alleviate anxiety levels. Whether it’s mild sedation with nitrous oxide or deeper relaxation with intravenous (IV) sedation, our expert team ensures your dental visit is anxiety-free, promoting regular dental check-ups and preventive care.

Enhanced Comfort During Procedures

Certain dental procedures, even routine ones, can cause discomfort or trigger anxiety. Sedation dentistry at Kissing Camels ensures enhanced comfort during these procedures. Patients experience a relaxed and tranquil state, making it easier for our skilled dental professionals to perform treatments with precision. This ensures a positive experience for both the patient and the dental team.

Time Efficiency and Convenience

Sedation dentistry allows for multiple procedures to be completed in a single visit, maximizing time efficiency. This is especially beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those requiring extensive dental work. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, recognized as the Best Dentist in Colorado Springs, prioritizes your convenience by offering sedation options that streamline your dental care.

Overcoming Gag Reflex Challenges

For some patients, an overly sensitive gag reflex can make dental procedures challenging. Sedation dentistry helps overcome this hurdle by inducing a relaxed state, minimizing the likelihood of triggering the gag reflex. This allows our team at Kissing Camels to perform necessary procedures more comfortably and efficiently.

Pain Management and Reduced Discomfort

Sedation dentistry not only addresses anxiety but also serves as an effective means of pain management. Patients experience reduced discomfort during and after dental procedures, contributing to a more positive post-treatment recovery. This emphasis on pain management aligns with Kissing Camels’ commitment to providing compassionate and patient-centered care.

Ideal for Complex Procedures

For complex dental procedures such as dental implant placements, sedation dentistry plays a crucial role in ensuring patient comfort and successful outcomes. Patients undergoing treatments like Dental Implants in Colorado Springs can benefit from sedation options tailored to their specific needs, making the process smoother and more pleasant.

Memory Loss During Procedures

Intravenous (IV) sedation, one of the sedation options available at Kissing Camels, induces a state of deep relaxation and often results in temporary memory loss of the procedure. This benefit is particularly advantageous for patients who may have reservations or anxiety associated with the dental treatment process.

Customized Sedation Plans

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we recognize that every patient is unique. Therefore, our sedation dentistry approach is not one-size-fits-all. We work closely with you to create a customized sedation plan that aligns with your specific needs, preferences, and the nature of the dental procedure. This individualized approach reflects our commitment to providing personalized and exceptional dental care.

Contact Us! Elevating Your Dental Experience with Sedation Dentistry

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, the benefits of sedation dentistry extend beyond just alleviating anxiety. From enhanced comfort and time efficiency to pain management and memory loss during procedures, sedation dentistry is a game-changer for individuals seeking a more relaxed and positive dental experience. As the Best Dentist in Colorado Springs, we prioritize your well-being and strive to make your dental visits as comfortable and stress-free as possible. Contact us today to explore how sedation dentistry can elevate your dental experience and contribute to your overall oral health and well-being.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

What is Sedation Dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Are you someone who experiences anxiety, stress, or fear when going to the dentist? Millions of Americans avoid dental care due to dental phobia. As a result, their oral health condition declines, and they suffer from various dental problems. Fortunately, with the advancements in modern dentistry, sedation dentistry is now available to address the needs of anxious patients. Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. Keep reading to learn more about this helpful and practical solution for dental phobia.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

In sedation dentistry, there are three types of sedatives used – Nitrous oxide or “laughing gas,” oral sedation, and IV sedation. Nitrous oxide is the most common type of sedation used in dentistry because it is safe, effective, and has minimal side effects. Oral sedation involves taking a pill before the procedure to help patients relax, while IV sedation involves administering the drug through the vein, which results in a deeper sedation level. A professional dentist will determine the most suitable type of sedation for their patients depending on factors like the patient’s age, medical history, and the extent of the dental service procedure.

Will I be fully unconscious?

Contrary to what most people think, sedation dentistry does not involve general anesthesia, which puts patients to sleep. Patients are conscious during the treatment and can respond to questions from the dentist. The purpose of sedation is to help patients relax and experience minimal discomfort, whether physical or emotional.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

The primary benefit of sedation dentistry is the reduced level of anxiety and fear during dental procedures. With sedatives, patients will feel calm, relaxed, and at ease. Patients are less likely to experience gag reflex, which can be triggered during certain procedures. Additionally, since sedation allows for fewer breaks and movements, dental work is completed more quickly and efficiently. This helps minimize the number of dental appointments required, which is a time and money-saving benefit.

Is Sedation Dentistry safe?

Sedation dentistry is entirely safe and effective when administered by a professional and well-trained dentist. Dentists’ qualifications to administer sedation are governed and reviewed by state dental boards, the ADA, and the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology. At our dental clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, we have highly qualified dentists with extensive training and certification of sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry provides patients with an incredible option to help overcome their dental phobia, anxiety, or fear. With this option, patients can sit back, relax, and let the highly trained professionals take care of their oral health needs. If you’re looking for a dentist in Colorado Springs, Colorado that specializes in sedation dentistry, consider us! Our dedicated team of professionals at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is here to help you achieve the healthy smile you deserve. Schedule an appointment today and experience the comfort and convenience of sedation dentistry.

Sedation Options

Sedation Options

Everything On Sedation Options

Sedation dentistry is a wonderful option for patients who experience dental anxiety or phobia. It can also be beneficial for those who have sensitive teeth, gums, or throats; who have a strong gag reflex; who need significant dental work; or who have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time. This option can help you relax and keep you calm during your treatment. It is important to remember that sedation does not eliminate pain; however, it can greatly reduce your anxiety level and help you tolerate dental procedures more easily. If you think sedation dentistry might be right for you, please don’t hesitate to discuss it with the best dentist in Colorado Springs CO.

Nitrous Oxide Also Known As Laughing Gas 

Laughing gas is a popular sedation option for many of our patients here at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Also known as nitrous oxide, laughing gas is inhaled through a comfortable mask and works quickly to help you feel calm and relaxed. You’ll be able to respond to Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson throughout your procedure, and we’ll make sure you’re comfortable the entire time. Once your procedure is finished, the effects of the laughing gas will wear off quickly and you’ll be able to drive yourself home. If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to relax during your dental treatment, laughing gas may be right for you.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation, otherwise known as “sleep dentistry,” is a great solution for patients who want to sleep through their visit. We will provide you with a pill to take prior to your appointment, which will help you to feel relaxed and comfortable during your procedure. You may remain awake during the treatment, but you will be in a deeply relaxed state and will not be able to remember much of the appointment. Our friends at Park Hills Family Dentistry, the best dentist in Lexington KY, say this type of sedation is very safe and effective, and our staff will closely monitor you throughout the entire process. If you are interested in oral conscious sedation for your next dental appointment, please let us know so we can make the appropriate arrangements.

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry Today!

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we understand that good oral health is vital to overall health and well-being. We also know that finding a dentist you can trust can be a challenge. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality of care in a warm and welcoming environment. Whether you’re coming in for a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, our experienced team will work with you to ensure that your experience is as positive as possible. We also offer convenient appointment times and flexible payment options to make dental care easier. So if you’re looking for compassionate, reliable dental care, look no further than Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Give us a call today!

What to Know About Sleep Dentistry

sleep dentistry colorado springs co

What to Know About Sleep Dentistry

Many people are anxious about going to the dentist, and some are so terrified that they avoid going, which can jeopardize the health and function of their teeth. Sedation dentistry provides an anxiety-free, relaxing experience for people afraid of the dentist or undergoing more extended, more complex dental procedures.  Here’s a closer look at what you should know before visiting a sedation dentist in Colorado Springs.

Sedation Types

Several types of sedation are available, depending on the patient’s needs and the procedure being performed. Sedation techniques that are commonly used include:

Light Sedation

 Light sedation, commonly achieved with nitrous oxide. This relaxes and comforts you, but you will usually remain awake throughout the dental procedure.

Moderate Sedation

Next, with moderate sedation, our dentist Colorado Springs explains that will feel very relaxed. You’ll be so simple that you won’t be able to function normally, though you’ll be able to respond to basic commands.

General Anesthesia

Additionally, this type of sedation will ultimately put you to sleep. Because you will be unconscious, you will require assistance breathing. Most of the time, general anesthesia is only used for oral surgery.

Administration Methods

Of course, sedation can be administered in a variety of ways, including:

Oral Sedatives

Importantly, pills can be taken the night before a dental appointment to relax you. Because oral sedatives only relax you and do not relieve pain, you will still require local anesthesia to numb the area being worked on by your dentist near me.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is inhaled and helps you relax while remaining awake. It does not relieve pain, so that you may require local anesthesia.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves administering sedatives via IV, which is a less common sedation method.


Patients can benefit from sedation dentistry in a variety of ways. One of the primary benefits of sedation is that most patients believe a dental procedure takes only a few minutes, even if it takes several hours. As a result, it is an excellent choice for more complex dental procedures such as extensive rebuilding or smile makeovers. Because patients can tolerate more extended periods in the dentist’s chair, systems that typically require multiple visits may be completed in fewer appointments.

Another advantage of sedation dentistry is that it can help patients overcome their fear and anxiety remaining relaxed during routine exams and more complex procedures. Our friend Dr. Kacos, sedation dentist Shreveport, shares that this allows those with severe dental phobias to receive the routine care they require, preventing them from ignoring their oral health and developing severe oral health problems in the future.

Sedation dentistry may benefit people with special needs or disabilities in some cases. For example, some people with autism, Down syndrome, and other special conditions may struggle with dental appointments. Sedation can keep them calm and relaxed, allowing them to receive the necessary care to maintain a healthy mouth and smile.

Many different patients may benefit from sedation dentistry for a variety of reasons, including:

  • First, susceptible oral nerves to dental work
  • Also, anxiety disorder in general
  • In the past, you may have had negative experiences with dental procedures.
  • Of course, fears of the dentist
  • Local anesthetic resistance to commonly used anesthetics
  • Also, smallmouth that becomes irritated during routine dental work.

Contact Kissing Camels Today

Sedation is not appropriate for everyone. Before deciding whether sedation in the dentist’s office is safe for you, your dentist will consider your overall physical and mental health. Before administering sedation, your dentist should perform a physical examination and obtain a complete medical history. In some cases, you may also be required to obtain medical clearance from your primary care physician. If you’re nervous about upcoming dental appointments, ask your dentist about sedation and whether it’s a good option for you.

How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

how to overcome your fear of the dentist - Dr. Boals

How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist

If you ask people how they feel about going to the dentist, they’d most likely answer by saying they don’t like it. If there is a certain degree of fear that could be considered natural, elevated levels of anxiety can prevent people from making appointments and affect their oral health in the future. Below, Dr. Boals, a sedation dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, shares how to overcome the fear of the dentist.

Odontophobia, or fear of seeing a dentist, is a serious issue. Research has shown that 5-8% of Americans fully avoid the dentist out of fear, and another 20% have enough anxiety to seek care only when absolutely necessary. There are a variety of reasons why fear can occur, but some of the most common are the loss of control, discomfort, humiliation, or past experience.

Although the level of fear varies from person to person, there are a few common things you can do to help ease your mind.

Find the Best Dentist in Colorado Springs, CO

One of the easiest ways to conquer the fear of seeing a dentist is to find a dentist you can trust. It might take some time, but it’s worth it. While you can look to family and friends for advice or read feedback online, it’s important to note that everyone’s experiences (and expectations) are different. Try to give the dentist a call – if you’re comfortable talking to them on the phone, you may want to make an appointment to see them and get a feel for the office.

Communicate Your Fears

If you don’t let the dentist know of your worries, they’re not going to be able to work through them and help you feel more relaxed. Communication is everything! By being transparent and frank with your concerns in the process, it will help ensure that the right steps will be taken to resolve them.

Bring a Family Member of Friend

If you’re a family member friend, having someone to accompany you to your appointment will make you feel more comfortable. It serves as an additional layer of assurance. You’re best to bring someone who has no fear of their own. Dr. Leeson, a restorative dentist in St. Pete, FL, recommends planning your appointment early in the morning so that you don’t waste time living stuff in advance during the day.

Don’t Worry

From stress balls to music to breathing exercises, there are a variety of “distractions” that you can use to keep your mind focused on something other than your fears. Even something as easy as watching a good movie or a video will help! At our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO, we make our patients’ comfort and safety our top priority. Our staff is warm and welcoming, and our dental office is filled with facilities that make your stay comfortable and enjoyable. 

You can unwind in the lobby with refreshments from our beverage station while your kids play and explore the children’s playground. TVs, headphones, and Hulu streaming via our operators can make you feel at home, even during your treatment. Hot scented towels and pillows will help you relax, and we also give nitrous oxide to patients suffering from dental anxiety or phobias. If you’re out of dental care because you’re scared of the dentist, we promise to change your mind about going to the dentist. 

Reward Yourself

Overcoming dental anxiety is a huge deal. If you do, treat yourself! Buy something good for yourself or go on a weekend getaway. Not only is it a fantastic reward, but it’s also going to help you relate your trips to something enjoyable and exciting.

Dr. Boals and our team at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry are genuinely concerned for our patients and want your experience to be enjoyable and optimistic. You’re going to forget that you were anxious to step through the gates! You can also interrupt the treatment any time you feel uncomfortable or need a break. Don’t ignore your oral health – make the appointment at our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO!

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth - Colorado Springs

Signs of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can be quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to prevent wisdom teeth. Most of us will need to see their dentist for wisdom teeth removal at some point in their lives. Why? The impacted wisdom teeth are the third molars on the back of the mouth that do not have enough space for emerging or developing normally. It’s important to get your wisdom teeth removed before dental problems develop. Below, Dr. Boals, your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, shares signs of impacted wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to emerge, usually from 17-25 years old.  Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of their mouth—two at the top, two at the bottom. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause discomfort, damage to other teeth, and other dental problems. In certain cases, the damaged teeth of wisdom do not cause any obvious or immediate problems. But since they are hard to clean, they may be more vulnerable to dental decay and gum disease than other teeth.

Wealth-impacted teeth that cause discomfort or other dental problems are usually removed. Some dentists and oral surgeons also prescribe the removal of damaged wisdom teeth that do not cause symptoms to prevent potential complications.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth do not always trigger symptoms. However, if the impacted wisdom tooth is infected, it can cause significant damages to other teeth or causes other dental problems. Watch out for these signs or symptoms: 

  • Red or swollen chewing gum
  • Blood or soft gums
  • Jaw’s Suffering
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Poor breathing
  • An unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty to open your mouth

See your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, if you are experiencing signs in the area behind your last molar that could be associated with an affected wisdom tooth.

Cause of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are a problem because there’s usually not enough space in the mouth. Some people have wisdom teeth that turn up without any complications and line up with the other teeth behind the second molar. In certain cases, though, the mouth is too crowded to have third molars. When there’s not enough room, they become stuck.

An impacted wisdom tooth may emerge partly so that some of the crowns are visible (partially impacted) or may never break through the gums (fully impacted). Whether partially or completely affected, the tooth may:

  • Grow at the angle to the next tooth (second molar)
  • Develop at the angle of the back of the mouth.
  • Develop at the right angle to the other teeth, as if the wisdom tooth were “lying down” inside the jawbone.
  • Grow up or down like most teeth, but remain stuck within the jawbone.

What Happens If I Don’t Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed? 

The impacted teeth of wisdom can cause many problems in the mouth:

  • Harm to the other teeth. Our friend Dr. Dave Moghadam, an oral surgeon in Easton, PA, agrees that if the wisdom tooth pushes against the second molar, it can damage the second molar or increase the risk of infection in the area. This pressure can also cause issues with crowding the other teeth or may require orthodontic treatment to straighten the other teeth.
  • Tooth Abscess. The wisdom tooth grows inside the jawbone in a jar. The bag will be filled with fluid, creating a cyst that can damage the jawbone, the teeth, and the nerves. A tumor—usually non-cancer (benign)—rarely grows. This complication can involve tissue and bone removal.
  • Tooth Decay. Partially damaged wisdom teeth tend to be at greater risk of tooth decay (caries) than other teeth. This is possibly due to the fact that wisdom teeth are harder to clean and that food and bacteria are easily stuck between the gum and a partially erupted tooth.
  • Gum Disease. The difficulty of cleaning impacted, partially erupted wisdom teeth increases the risk of developing a painful inflammatory gum condition called periodontitis or gum disease.

Visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

You can’t prevent wisdom teeth from emerging, but you can get them removed before dental problems develop. If you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed yet, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO. We will take dental x-rays and put together a custom treatment plan for you. Don’t worry. We offer sedation dentistry for patients who are feeling uneasy about wisdom teeth removal. 

Is Sedation Dentistry for Me?

Is Sedation Dentistry for Me? - Dr. Boals

Do you fear dental procedures? Are you concerned about the discomfort, pain, and vulnerability associated with being in a dental chair? You may be a good candidate for sedation dentistry at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, but is sedation dentistry right for you? In this article, you’ll discover what sedation dentistry is, why you may need it, and the different forms of sedation available when you visit the best dentist in Colorado Springs.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

During sedation dentistry, your Colorado Springs dentist will administer a sedative before or while performing a needed dental procedure, such as root canal therapy. Dr. Boals, the best cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, explains that only general anesthesia will put you to sleep. Other sedation forms will just make you relax, but you will remain fully conscious of your surroundings.

The following are some sedation dentistry options offered at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.

Nitrous Oxide

This is popularly referred to as “laughing gas.” Your dentist in Colorado Springs will administer this using a mask. Once the laughing gas kicks in, the dental procedure will be performed. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so Dr. Boals may allow you to drive yourself home after your procedure at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO.

Oral Sedatives

These are in pill or capsule form. In most cases, you will be advised by your CO Springs dentist to take this sedative about an hour before your dental procedure. For example, if you need wisdom teeth removal in Colorado Springs, Dr. Boals will write a prescription for the oral sedative, and you will take it an hour before the tooth extraction process begins. The sedative will make you relaxed, and you may feel sleepy, although you will be aware of your surroundings.

Intravenous Sedatives

IV (or intravenous) sedatives can put you into varying states of consciousness, depending on the assessment of your needs done by your dentist. Generally, IV sedation takes the form of general anesthesia, and you will be unconscious during the dental procedure. However, Dr. Kacos, a sleep dentist in Shreveport, LA says that some IV sedatives may not knock you out completely, and you will be in what is referred to as “twilight sleep,” from which you will wake up without any memory of the procedure you underwent.

General anesthesia may not always be the best option for you since it comes with more risks when compared to other forms of sedation. Make sure you let Dr. Boals know of any allergic reactions you have had in the past so that we can recommend you the best sedation dentistry option.

Who Needs Sedation Dentistry?

There is a wide variety of dental patients who turn to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for the sedation dentistry needs. Here are some of them:

  • General anxiety disorder
  • Bad experience at a dentist’s in the past
  • Very sensitive oral nerves (low pain threshold)
  • Dental procedure phobias
  • Small oral cavity, hence soreness during dental procedures
  • Inability to respond to local anesthetics

If any of the above applies to you, talk to Dr. Boals about sedation dentistry.

How Sedation Dentistry Works

The process of sedation dentistry depends on the specific form that the team at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry has selected for you.

For example, if nitrous oxide will be used, you don’t need to do anything to prepare.

If you plan on taking an oral sedative, Dr. Boals will write you a prescription, and you will take the sedative an hour or so before your dental appointment.

Some preparation is needed if you choose intravenous (IV) sedation. For instance, the best dentist in Colorado Springs CO may ask you to refrain from eating or drinking anything within a certain number of hours before the dental procedure. You may also be told to avoid taking certain medications the day before your appointment since these could compromise the effectiveness of the IV sedation.

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we don’t compromise on offering individualized dental services. For this reason, we will discuss your general response to dental procedures before recommending the best type of sedation for your needs. For example, we can recommend sleep (general) anesthesia if you have a strong phobia of dental work. Are you interested in sedation dentistry? Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today!

Sedation Dentistry Myths

Sedation Dentistry Myths - Dr. Boals

Sedation Dentistry Myths

What do you know about sedation dentistry? We often find that our patients have been misinformed or have only knowledge of some of the sedation dentistry myths floating out there. Debunking these myths can ensure that each of our patients is better informed about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

We’ve gathered some of the most common sedation dentistry myths that we’ve heard about sedation dentistry. We’re debunking them so that our patients can have a solid and accurate understanding.

Myth One: Sedation Dentistry is Exclusively for Complicated Surgical Procedures

While it is true that sedation dentistry is quite often associated with complicated surgical procedures, it can be used for the majority of dental procedures at our Colorado Springs dentist office. Sedation dentistry can be used for routine dental procedures, including root canal therapy and the removal of wisdom teeth.

Myth Two: There is just one type of sedation

Generally speaking, there are three types of sedation dentistry.

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • Oral sedation
  • IV sedation

Nitrous oxide and oral sedation are quite often the best choices for basic, routine procedures. IV sedation can be the choice for more complex oral procedures if you visit an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs and ask about sedation dentistry. It will help get you out of pain and help control anxiety they may be feeling.

Myth Three: Sedation Dentistry Is Not Safe

One of the most important things to be aware of is that your dentist and their staff will always make safety a priority. When you visit your dentist in Colorado Springs, you can be assured that your candidacy for sedation dentistry will be carefully considered.

When it comes to sedation dentistry in Colorado Springs, patients will find out if they are suitable candidates for sedation during their dental procedure.

Dentistry and dental technology have come a long way, says Digital Doc, an industry leader for intraoral cameras. Dentists know more now than ever and with the right tools diagnosis and treatment has vastly improved. Sedation dentistry is no different. There are plenty sedation dentistry options for everyone. It’s important to let your dentist know everything you know about your medical history before you plan your dental procedure. This will allow your dentist to recommend a treatment solution that will prove safe for you.

Myth Four: Sedation Dentistry is Safe for Everyone

This may be confusing, but while your safety will always be prioritized, there are some situations where sedation dentistry may not be the right option for some patients.

You may find you’re not the right candidate for sedation dentistry if some of the following apply.

  • You’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You’ve had a previous allergic reaction to one or more of the medications used for sedation dentistry
  • You have asthma or another medical condition that can intervene with the effectiveness of the medications used

Discuss your concerns with your dentist, and together you’ll come up with the right option to help you through your dentist appointment.

Myth Five: Only Patients with Anxiety Qualify for Sedation Dentistry

Some myths will indeed be wrapped in some form of truth. In this case, there’s no truth to the idea that sedation dentistry is only right for those with anxiety. Sedation dentistry can also be used for several reasons, including the following:

  • In situations where patients have an intense gag reflex
  • On patients who have severe fears of needles
  • In situations where patients are restless, and cannot sit still
  • For patients who are undergoing complex or multiple procedures at one time

Do you have anxiety and perhaps wish to be sedated during even a dental cleaning? Even the noninvasive treatments like veneers can call for sedation dentistry. Just ask your Colorado Springs dentist to learn more. 

There’s no reason for you to fear the dentist. Knowing the truth about sedation dentistry can put you at ease, no matter which procedure you have coming up. To learn more about our sedation services, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.