Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Signs of An Abscessed Tooth - Colorado Springs

Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Most Common Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

One of the most common reasons people seek emergency dental care is because they have an abscessed tooth. If this dental problem isn’t treated right away, it can have serious consequences for both oral and overall health. Avoiding serious, long-term oral health issues starts with knowing the warning signs of an abscessed tooth. Please continue reading this article to learn more about a tooth infection or abscessed tooth.

More About a Tooth Abscess

As we mentioned above, an abscessed tooth is a serious and painful dental emergency. An abscess is a bacterial infection that produces pus. Additionally, it causes pain and swelling and must be treated right away. Blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue are all found in the tooth’s root, where the infection occurs. An abscess can form between the gum and the tooth as well, but this is rare.

Colorado Springs dentists explain that in the majority of cases, tooth abscesses are the result of advanced decay or damage to the tooth. Furthermore, this may be the result of an infected chipped or broken tooth, worn enamel that allows bacteria to enter the tooth, or an untreated dental cavity. Periodontal (gum) disease that is left untreated for a long time can lead to an abscess, especially if it has progressed to the advanced stage, which is called periodontitis. It is possible that the infection from the abscessed tooth could have reached nearby bone, which could result in tooth loss or even spread to other parts of the body when left untreated.

Signs You Might Have an Abscessed Tooth

If you have a tooth abscess, contact a Colorado Springs emergency dentist right away so that the infection does not spread. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may have a tooth abscess.

  • Pain is excruciating 
  • Fever
  • Swelling of the gums 
  • Redness of the gums
  • Soreness of the gums
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks
  • Sore on the gums
  • Bad taste in your mouth

How to Treat a Tooth Abscess 

Tooth abscess treatment will be tailored to meet your individual requirements, but in most cases, a combination of the following treatments will be recommended by Dr. Cody Boals or Dr. Alexa Johnson.

Get Rid of the Extra Pus

Draining an abscessed or infected tooth is the most effective treatment. The pus can be drained by making a small incision in the abscess. The dentist may also debride the infected area and use saline to irrigate or wash it. Debridement is the process of removing diseased or dead tissue from an area of the body.

Take Directed Antibiotics

Draining an abscess isn’t always simple, and sometimes it isn’t even possible. Dental infections can counteract the effects of local anesthetics, making it difficult to completely sedate the patient before treatment. Lower molars infected with a serious infection are particularly difficult to numb. When this occurs, a patient must be given an antibiotic to help fight the infection so that local anesthetics will work properly. Our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, says that patients won’t be able to undergo antibiotics until they’ve seen their dentist for a consultation first. Additionally, antibiotics are one of your best bets to fighting off a tooth infection.

Root Canal Therapy 

When the nerve, arterial and vein center of the tooth root is removed, a root canal is performed in the dentist’s office. A root canal can help remove infection and drain an abscess from a tooth that’s infected. The tooth is restored with a crown after the infection has healed in order to increase the tooth’s strength and prolong its life.

Tooth Extraction

If the infected tooth cannot be saved, the abscess will be drained, and the infection will be healed by extracting it to promote healing.

Is an Abscessed Tooth a Dental Emergency?

A tooth abscess necessitates immediate dental attention. If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, see a dentist right away. Abscesses, if left untreated, can cause infection to spread throughout the body, posing serious health risks. Taking care of these problems as soon as possible is crucial!

When to Contact a Colorado Springs Dentist

If you experience any of the above-mentioned signs of an abscessed tooth, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. We will do everything we can to accommodate you on the same day. Our dentists may even recommend that you come to the office after hours because of the risks of a tooth abscess. Take action as soon as you feel pain or an infection starting to spread. Seek assistance as soon as possible.

Our dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry treats patients with dental emergencies on a daily basis. Patients with dental infections who are in pain can receive emergency dental care from us the same day. Many of our emergency dentistry patients are first-time visitors to our dental office, and we welcome them with open arms! Contact our Colorado Springs dental office right away if you need an emergency dentist.

Tips for Choosing an Emergency Dentist

emergency dentist near me

Tips for Choosing an Emergency Dentist

If you were to experience a dental emergency right now, who would you call? Not every dental office is willing to provide emergency dental care when you need it. It’s important to be prepared in case things go wrong. Finding the right emergency dentist can be difficult when you’re in a hurry to get treatment. In this article, Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson share a few tips for choosing an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs.

Searching for an Emergency Dentist Near Me

If you have a tiny crack in your tooth or it has been completely knocked out, the last thing you want to do is drive an hour out of town to get the care you need – particularly if you are in pain! As a result, begin your search with practices within 20 minutes of your most frequented locations, such as your workplace, home, or child’s school. After all, you’ll want the best dentist in Colorado Springs to have the best chance of saving your tooth if you see him or her within 30 minutes of the accident!

Dental Insurance

It’s no secret that dental care can easily become prohibitively expensive. Fortunately, this is where insurance comes into play! Since every dental plan is different, find out ahead of time if the dental team you’re thinking about using supports yours. Otherwise, you’ll be paying the price for quality care.

Dental Office Hours

Dental emergencies are never easy, but they can be particularly aggravating if they occur late at night, on the weekend, or on a holiday. So, ask your new dentist about their dental office hours. Avoid choosing an emergency dentist with operating hours from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our friend Dr. Moghadam, a dentist who is an emergency dentist in Easton, PA, says this is one of the biggest complications patients deal with. 

Emergency Dental Services

It’s critical to get fast, effective relief, but what happens next? For example, if your knocked-out tooth cannot be saved, having a dentist who provides tooth replacement alternatives, such as dental implants, is advantageous. Choosing a new dentist who offers a wide range of dental services under one roof is critical, particularly in an emergency!

What Ages Do They Work With?

Your dentist should also be a family dentist in Colorado Springs in case your little ones need care. As a parent, you know accidents happen when we least expect them. Some dental offices will turn patients away because they do not treat certain ages. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry provides quality dental care for all ages!

Dental emergencies can be chaotic, but if you are prepared ahead of time, the experience can go much more smoothly. Fortunately, you can use the information given above to locate an emergency dentist right away! Contact Kissin Camels Family Dentistry for emergency dental care in Colorado Springs, CO. 

What to Do If I Break My Tooth

What to Do If I Break a Tooth - Colorado Springs dentists

What to Do If I Break My Tooth

A broken tooth can be a scary situation. If you’re dealing with this, contact our emergency dental office in Colorado Springs, CO. Otherwise, read the article What to Do If I Break a Tooth to prepare yourself better if the time ever comes. 

What You Can Do For a Broken or Cracked Tooth

A tooth with a small crack or chip might be a disaster waiting to happen. For a small crack or chip in your tooth, you’ll want to be extremely careful when eating or chewing. Anything can completely break your tooth if you’re not careful. Our Colorado Springs dentists suggest watching out for foods or drinks with hot or cold temperatures.

Broken Tooth

A cavity or an accident are the most common causes of broken teeth. If this is true, we suggest taking the following steps: 

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water or saltwater.
  • Apply a cold compress to the face over the broken tooth.
  • Apply gauze to the broken tooth to stop the bleeding. The bleeding should stop after about 10 minutes. 
  • If you have had a severe break, you will need to see an emergency dentist within 24 hours.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to assist with the discomfort. Avoid taking Asprin.
  • Contact your dentist to inform them.

Tooth Completely Fell Out

This is considered a dental emergency, and it is likely you’ll need immediate treatment. If the tooth has been fully extracted, make sure that the crown handles the removed tooth. Don’t grab the root of the tooth. A tooth that was totally knocked out could cause serious nerve damage. Don’t worry, it’s possible to replace the tooth in the socket. Our friend Dr. Beth Herko, a dentist in New Providence, NJ, says that treatment for a tooth avulsion is most effective if it’s done right away.

How a Dentist Will Repair a Broken or Cracked Tooth

Chipped Tooth

Most chips don’t require immediate treatment, but it is recommended that you contact your dentist to make an appointment as soon as possible. If it’s small, it can be smoothed and polished by Dr. Boals or Dr. J. Your dentist may recommend bonding or white fillings to hide the chipped tooth.

Cracked Tooth

When your tooth cracks, it’ll typically happen to the entire tooth. Therefore, seeing an emergency dentist is recommended. Once you come in, we will patch the crack with a filling. If it’s more serious, you may need a dental crown or root canal. Our team will work with you to come up with the best solution.

Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is going to be highly sensitive, and you’re going to want to see the best dentist in Colorado Springs, CO. The idea would most likely result in a dentist having to cover his tooth with a crown. Nowadays, porcelain or resin crowns may look as natural as a real tooth. If your tooth is totally broken, but your root is still ticked, you will need root canal surgery. The dentist can set up enough of a foundation to insert a pin or a post so that the crown can be positioned later.

Emergency Dental Care

When you’ve broken, chipped, or cracked your teeth, you can always count on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to help. Our team will get your smile looking as good as new in no time! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our dental services in Colorado Springs. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

signs and symptoms of a tooth infection - dr. boals

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

Do you have an awful toothache? Maybe you’ve noticed a little swelling of the gum or jaw. Does your tooth seem to be a different color? You might be experiencing a severe tooth infection. Each tooth has a nerve, which is also known as the pulp. When your tooth becomes infected, the pulp is affected. If left untreated, a tooth abscess will eventually form, and your tooth will begin to deteriorate even more. There are several signs and symptoms of a tooth infection. Below, our dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, explain what you can expect when experiencing a tooth infection. It might be a severe tooth infection.

How a Tooth Gets Infected

Tooth infections occur when bacteria reach your tooth’s root or pulp. This is usually due to unfilled cavities and lack of good oral hygiene. Tooth infections can be prevented. Unfortunately, infected teeth can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. If your tooth does become infected, your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend a root canal to save your tooth. 

Recognizing the signs of an infection is essential, so you can seek immediate treatment from your Colorado Springs endodontist.

Signs Your Tooth is Infected 

A typical sign of a tooth infection is a pain when eating and drinking. The infection or abscess spreads from the tip of the root, causing it to affect the gum and bone. Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, says the throbbing pain may be so severe that your aches are not relieved by pain medication. This may be because the infection has spread even further. If you’re experiencing a tooth abscess, the pain will be more prominent.

Dr. Boals shares a few signs of tooth infection:

  • The tooth is darker than the rest of the teeth.
  • You experience swelling of the lymph nodes in your jaw, face, and surrounding area. 
  • Your gum is swollen, and an abscess has formed. The raised swelling around your infected tooth may look similar to a pimple—an open pimple, which is a sure-fire sign of an infection. Dr. Moghadam, an emergency dentist in Easton, PA, recommends calling your dentist immediately if an abscess has formed. This means the infection has gotten much worse.
  • A bad taste in your mouth
  • Pain when opening or closing your mouth.
  • Fever 

How to Treat a Tooth Infection

Many say that a tooth infection is one of the worst feelings ever. Luckily, there are several ways to treat a tooth infection. Your Colorado Springs dentist may suggest root canal therapy if the tooth has not completely deteriorated. A root canal is completely pain-free and is designed to eliminate the infection by removing the root and nerve endings’ infection. Alternatively, to remove the infection and prevent a recurrence, Dr. Boals may need to perform a surgical tooth extraction. If your tooth is healthy except for the infection, prescription antibiotics may help eliminate the infection. Your tooth infection treatment all depends on the severity of your infection. 

If Your Tooth is Infected, What Should You Do?

If you’re experiencing a toothache, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry immediately. Your tooth infection or the abscessed tooth will not go away on its own. The infection can spread throughout the body.

The best way to remove the tooth infection  and avoid any further dental risks, Dr. Boals will give you a full mouth evaluation. From there, we will decide the best treatment plan. Contact our dental office in Colorado Springs, COtoday.