Benefits of Veneers

Benefits of Veneers - Dr. Boals Colorado Springs

Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth and smile? Dental veneers can enhance your appearance giving you the confidence to show off your smile. When it comes to veneers in Colorado Springs, patients realize that they can rely on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to lead them in the right way. How much do you know about the benefits of veneers? As your dentist at Colorado Springs, we appreciate how important it is to understand the dental procedures you’re involved in. The following advantages of veneers will help you better understand how veneers can change your smile.

Veneers Treat Cracks, Chips, Gaps, and More

Dental veneers can be used to effectively conceal minor cosmetic concerns that are visible when you speak, smile, or laugh. During the consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, the health of your teeth will be evaluated. Your teeth will need to be free from decay prior to the application of veneers. The consultation will be your opportunity to learn more about what restorative work you may need and to determine whether you’re a strong candidate for dental veneers.

It is important to note that your teeth will need to be free from signs of decay, but they should have the strength required to host the veneers. A dental crown may better serve somewhat fragile teeth.

Veneers can be shaped to give you the look that you want. Whether you’re addressing cracks, chips on one or more teeth, or perhaps gaps, you’ll love the instant smile transformation that veneers can provide.

Minimal Removal of Enamel

Once the enamel on a tooth has been worn away, it won’t grow back. The good news is that the application of veneers requires just a thin layer of enamel to be removed from each tooth. This removal of the enamel is essential, as it allows for a seamless fit of the veneers.

In years past, it may have required more enamel to be removed from each tooth. Today, technology has advanced to the point where only the smallest layer will need to be removed to get the seamless fit when the veneers are set in place. Veneers are considered a better option for cosmetic smile restoration compared to dental crowns and bridges. This is because much more of the tooth will need to be removed before fitting the crown or bridge.

Veneers Are a Noninvasive Cosmetic Treatment 

Our friend Dr. Hoang, a cosmetic dentist in Bethlehem, GA, agrees that patients love that veneers are a non-invasive treatment. Many patients may not even need to be numbed up for each step of the procedure. Crowns are not quite as simple to place on teeth, and they are considered to be slightly more invasive as patients will need to potentially have a fair amount of natural teeth removed to get the seamless fit from the crown. Anesthesia will need to be used during the tooth prep stage.

Disguising Tooth Discoloration With Dental Veneers

Discoloration on your teeth may be the result of years of smoking or exposure to food and drinks that can alter the color of your teeth. Tooth whitening procedures offered by your preferred dentist in Colorado Springs can help to alter the color of your teeth. Dr. Chris Green, a dentist who offers patients teeth whitening in Parker, CO, says that this is only to a degree. Dental veneers can be in any shade that you’d like. If you’re getting one or two veneers, you can get them matched to the color of your natural teeth. If you’re getting a complete smile makeover, you can get an instant pearly white smile with your veneers.

Dental Veneers Can Boost Your Overall Confidence

Dental veneers can give you that instant smile refresh, which can give you an immediate boost to your confidence. This is particularly important if you’ve spent a fair amount of time being ashamed of your smile.

A boost in your confidence levels can help you in all areas of your life, including personal and professional.

Veneers Are Low-Maintenance Cosmetic Treatment

With good oral hygiene and awareness of the foods that you eat, your veneers will last for many good years to come—avoiding biting down on foods that are too hard to protect the structure of your veneers. With good care, you can expect your veneers to last for up to a decade.

Veneers are considered to be stain resistant. However, you will still need to maintain good oral health. Brushing and flossing at least after every meal will help keep your natural teeth in good health. 

Be sure to keep up with regular dental checkups in the office. Avoiding the dentist until you need emergency dental care in Colorado Springs appointment is not the best way to ensure good oral health. Whether in need of a checkup, a cosmetic procedure, or a tooth removal in Colorado Springs, dental patients know they can rely on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to provide them with the best dental services. 

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in September 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

signs and symptoms of a tooth infection - dr. boals

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

Do you have an awful toothache? Maybe you’ve noticed a little swelling of the gum or jaw. Does your tooth seem to be a different color? You might be experiencing a severe tooth infection. Each tooth has a nerve, which is also known as the pulp. When your tooth becomes infected, the pulp is affected. If left untreated, a tooth abscess will eventually form, and your tooth will begin to deteriorate even more. There are several signs and symptoms of a tooth infection. Below, our dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, explain what you can expect when experiencing a tooth infection. It might be a severe tooth infection.

How a Tooth Gets Infected

Tooth infections occur when bacteria reach your tooth’s root or pulp. This is usually due to unfilled cavities and lack of good oral hygiene. Tooth infections can be prevented. Unfortunately, infected teeth can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. If your tooth does become infected, your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend a root canal to save your tooth. 

Recognizing the signs of an infection is essential, so you can seek immediate treatment from your Colorado Springs endodontist.

Signs Your Tooth is Infected 

A typical sign of a tooth infection is a pain when eating and drinking. The infection or abscess spreads from the tip of the root, causing it to affect the gum and bone. Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, says the throbbing pain may be so severe that your aches are not relieved by pain medication. This may be because the infection has spread even further. If you’re experiencing a tooth abscess, the pain will be more prominent.

Dr. Boals shares a few signs of tooth infection:

  • The tooth is darker than the rest of the teeth.
  • You experience swelling of the lymph nodes in your jaw, face, and surrounding area. 
  • Your gum is swollen, and an abscess has formed. The raised swelling around your infected tooth may look similar to a pimple—an open pimple, which is a sure-fire sign of an infection. Dr. Moghadam, an emergency dentist in Easton, PA, recommends calling your dentist immediately if an abscess has formed. This means the infection has gotten much worse.
  • A bad taste in your mouth
  • Pain when opening or closing your mouth.
  • Fever 

How to Treat a Tooth Infection

Many say that a tooth infection is one of the worst feelings ever. Luckily, there are several ways to treat a tooth infection. Your Colorado Springs dentist may suggest root canal therapy if the tooth has not completely deteriorated. A root canal is completely pain-free and is designed to eliminate the infection by removing the root and nerve endings’ infection. Alternatively, to remove the infection and prevent a recurrence, Dr. Boals may need to perform a surgical tooth extraction. If your tooth is healthy except for the infection, prescription antibiotics may help eliminate the infection. Your tooth infection treatment all depends on the severity of your infection. 

If Your Tooth is Infected, What Should You Do?

If you’re experiencing a toothache, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry immediately. Your tooth infection or the abscessed tooth will not go away on its own. The infection can spread throughout the body.

The best way to remove the tooth infection  and avoid any further dental risks, Dr. Boals will give you a full mouth evaluation. From there, we will decide the best treatment plan. Contact our dental office in Colorado Springs, COtoday. 

Happy National Brush Day

national brush day - Colorado Springs Dentist

Happy National Brush Day

Oral hygiene is important to our teeth and our general health – that’s why we brush our teeth! Any plaque that is not removed on and between your teeth will eventually cause gum disease and tooth decay. If you’re anything like us, you were told countless times to brush your teeth when you were a child. So, you’d think that we all know how to brush our teeth correctly. However, the Academy of General Dentistry says that many adults do not brush their teeth properly. So, to honor National Brush Day on November 1st, we’re sharing the right way to brush your teeth.

The Basics of Brushing Your Teeth

You should brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes. That is, in the morning, when you wake up and right before you go to sleep. To make sure that you brush properly for the allotted time, Dr. Boals suggests using a stopwatch while brushing your teeth. If you want to be even more efficient, you could purchase an electric toothbrush that has an inbuilt timer. 

It does not matter what way you use to time yourself, as long as you brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day. 

The Tools You Need for Good Oral Hygiene

Which is better, an electric toothbrush or a traditional toothbrush? Colorado Springs dentists have no preference between the two, as long as you use a toothbrush that has soft bristles and can reach your back molars.

Your toothbrush needs to be replaced every 3-4 months or when your bristles fray. Using a toothbrush with frayed bristles will be harmful to your teeth. The toothpaste you choose depends on your preference. Use whichever toothpaste that you like. Just make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride works by preventing tooth decay and cavity development. If you do have cavities, fluoride works well in fighting those cavities. Dr. Chris Green, a family dentist in Parker, CO, recommends choosing a toothpaste that is FDA approved. 

Another essential that you need for optimal dental health is floss. Flossing helps you get rid of at least 80% of the plaque that is on your teeth, and flossing prevents plaque buildup. Floss also prevents gum disease, and you need to take care of both your teeth and gums. There’s plenty of floss to choose from waxed, unwaxed, floss picks.

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

We now know the proper tools needed to brush your teeth properly. Now, let’s go over the correct way to do it in a way that is recommended by dentists in Colorado Springs.

  1. Put a pea-size amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush
  2. You should hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
  3. Move your toothbrush gently over your teeth surfaces (the front, back, and tops of your teeth) in a circular motion.
  4. Employ a gentle back and forth motion on your teeth’s chewing surfaces when brushing
  5. Spit the toothpaste out after brushing but do not rinse your mouth. The toothpaste that is left in your mouth after you spit protects your teeth against decay
  6. Brush your tongue to rid it of any bacteria buildup since the last time you brushed
  7. Floss; it does not matter whether it’s before or after brushing but ensure you floss.

What to Avoid When Brushing Your Teeth

Now that we know the proper ways to brush our teeth, here are a few things your 80907 dentist says you should avoid when brushing your teeth:

Apart from picking the wrong brush, you may also be;

  1. Scrubbing your teeth too hard – Because plaque is loose and soft, there’s no need to scrub your teeth. Brushing too hard will ruin your enamel.
  2. You rush when brushing – Let’s say you’re late for work, so you want to rush through brushing. Don’t do it! Use the timer on your phone to ensure you spend the correct amount of time brushing. If you have to get up earlier to brush your teeth, then so be it!
  3. You hold onto your old toothbrush for a little too long – We mentioned above, when your bristles fray, get a new toothbrush. Also, do not share your toothbrush with anybody and keep your toothbrush in the open air. This will prevent bacteria or mold from growing on it when the toothbrush head is wet. This is a very common mistake, and we tell our patients at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.
  4. You miss the gum line – Most bacteria are usually found where your gums and teeth meet. This area is commonly missed. So when brushing, ensure you also brush the gum line area. To do so, use the 45º angle we talked about above. Tilt your toothbrush up and down in order to reach the inside of your front teeth. 
  5. You forget to brush your tongue – Many people fail to brush the sides of their tongue.  So, remember to brush your tongue for the best oral hygiene.
  6. You brush your teeth immediately after eating – Brushing your teeth immediately after eating may erode your tooth enamel. Colorado Springs dentists recommend waiting at least 20 minutes for the saliva in your mouth to offset the acid before you brush. Alternatively, you can also rinse your mouth out with water to get rid of some of the acids before you brush your teeth.

Visit Your Colorado Springs Dentist Annually

Now that we’ve covered everything about brushing, we can move onto visiting the dentist! Make sure you visit your dentist twice a year for a dental cleaning and checkup! This will ensure that your teeth are as healthy as can be. If you have any questions on how to take care of your teeth or would like to make an appointment, contact your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO. Needless to say, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is happy to help you with your oral health. Contact us today!

How to Improve Your Smile for the Holidays

how to improve your smile Colorado Springs CO

How to Improve Your Smile for the Holidays

Improve Your Smile

The holidays are a time to get together with friends and family to celebrate. You may find yourself disguising your grin in family pictures this time of year. Your Colorado Springs Dentist wants you to know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. Many individuals are dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth, whether they are crooked, discolored, or missing. Dr. Boals, dentist in Colorado Springs, wants to fix that. Here are tips to improve your smile for the holidays.

Tips for a Healthy Holiday Smile

You shouldn’t feel compelled to conceal your grin. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, dentist 80907, fortunately, provides a comprehensive range of dental treatments. Your dentist Colorado Springs, Dr. Johnson, explains how to enhance your smile for the holidays below.

1. Dental Exam & Teeth Cleaning

Every year, patients visit our office in a rush to improve their smiles for holiday festivities. You’d be surprised how effective a simple professional dental exam and dental cleaning can be. Our hygienists will remove any built-up tartar and thoroughly clean your teeth to be sparkly clean. Dr. Boals recommends getting a professional cleaning before you start cosmetic treatments such as professional teeth whitenings. This will ensure that your teeth are plaque-free. Dental cleanings are typically covered by dental insurance. So, don’t forget to use your dental benefits before they expire at the end of the year! 

2. Fill Cavities & Replace Silver Fillings

When you see your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO for dental fillings. They will likely fill the cavity with tooth-colored composite material. This type of filling will blend naturally with your teeth, so no one will know that you have fillings. If you still have silver fillings, talk to your dentist about replacing them with tooth-colored fillings. 

3. Fix Any Tooth Cracks or Chips

Tooth chips and cracks can easily be fixed with some of the following restorative dentistry solutions: porcelain veneers, dental bonding, dental crowns, and more. In order to transform your overall smile, your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, will assess you for a smile makeover. During this evaluation, they will determine which treatment is best for you. Dr. O’Grady, a Denver Highlands Dentist, says that porcelain veneers are one of the most common ways to hide broken, discolored, misshaped teeth. This is done by placing shells over your existing teeth, almost like a shoe over your teeth. Smile makeovers with porcelain veneers often have the biggest transformations for our patients.

4. Professional Teeth Whitening

The quickest way to improve your smile is by professional teeth whitening treatment. Get rid of stubborn stains and improve the overall look of your smile with our in-office or take-home teeth whitening services. Our in-office teeth whitening provides instant results. Go up to 10 shades lighter with our professional-grade whitening gel. Treatment only takes a few hours. Our take-home teeth whitening kits are perfect for those who want to gradually whiten their smile in the comfort of their own home. The treatment takes a few days to see significant results. Professional teeth whitening is a must before big family events!

5. Replace Missing Teeth

It is essential that missing teeth are replaced as quickly as possible. Not only will missing teeth bring down your self-confidence, but it also puts yourself at risk for dental complications. Eventually, your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap. Since there is an absence of stimulation from the area, your jaw bone will degrade over time. Inevitably, this will affect your facial shape and the way you eat and speak. The best way to replace a missing tooth is with dental implants, but we also offer dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures. 

Now that you know how to improve your smile for the holidays, give Kissing Camels Family Dentistry a call. We are happy to schedule you for a consultation. Let’s start off the holidays right with a bright, beautiful smile!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December, 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Dentures FAQ

Dental FAQ - Dr. kacos

There are many misconceptions about dentures, including that they’re only for elders. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Many don’t realize that people of all ages can benefit from dentures. Dentures act as a replacement for natural teeth. To help you decide if dentures are the right solution for your missing teeth, Dr. Cody Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, answers the following dentures FAQ. 

What Are Dentures and How Are They Supposed to Work?

Dentures are a prosthesis used to substitute the missing teeth of a patient. This prosthetic consists of artificial teeth and gums that are tailored and fitted to each smile. Dentures are not placed to the jaw bone, unlike dental implants. It is essentially making it easier to clean and preserve.

If you’ve experienced tooth loss because of periodontal disease, tooth decay, injury, etc., there are several benefits to choosing dentures. One of the most common advantages of dentures is the boost in self-esteem and appearance. Other benefits directly affect the oral health as dentures support the overall mouth structure, including facial muscles, speech, and functionality, such as eating.

What Are The Different Types of Dentures?

Dentures used to consist of plastic or porcelain, but today most of them are made of a strong resin material that better looks and feels like natural teeth. A similar resin material is made up of the gum portion of dentures that is for a better fit on the gumline. Additionally, there are various types of dentures, including full and partial, and it will be possible for your dentist to determine which option is right for you.

Complete Dentures

This alternative, also known as a complete denture, is used when all or almost all of the teeth are missing. To replace all the natural teeth and fit the entire surface of the gums, a prosthetic will be made. Once this is completed, the denture will fit snugly along the gum line. However, the dentures are easily removable. Your Colorado Springs dentist may recommend getting a tooth extraction if they feel that you would benefit from complete dentures. 

There are two types of full or complete dentures, conventional and immediate. After your mouth has healed from any tooth extractions, conventional dentures are positioned. This means that the patient, during the healing period, which can vary in time, you may be without teeth. The prosthetic is able to fit perfectly by waiting until the tissue in the mouth is completely healed.

Right after the remaining teeth are removed, instant dentures are placed. The dentist will take preliminary measurements so that the patient will have her new teeth on the same day. After any extractions, this option can help support the jawbone and regulate bleeding. It can change the shape or ridge of the gum line slightly when the mouth heals after the extraction, meaning the surface of the denture may no longer fit as it is meant to. While this may seem like a small problem, it may require realignment, modifications, or even a whole new denture production. You may be without teeth for a couple of days when this occurs.

Partial Dentures

When a patient has only a few missing teeth, Dr. Boals may recommend partial dentures. The existing teeth act as support structures, similar to dental bridges. Partial dentures consist of the required replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored base, almost like a teeth-attached retainer. Dentures are secured in the mouth by attaching either the plastic of the denture or a metal framework to adjacent existing teeth. Partial dentures are readily removable, just like full dentures.

What Should I Expect When Getting Dentures?

Your journey to a beautiful, functioning smile will start after a denture consultation with your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO. The next step is to prepare the mouth for any tooth extractions or procedures that need to be performed prior to measurements or fitting. Measurements will be taken beforehand if you get immediate dentures, so the prosthetic will be ready at your appointment for preparation.

Your dental impressions will be sent to the laboratory where the dentures will be made by your choice of size, color, and shape. Depending on factors like urgency and complexity, the laboratory can take anywhere from 1-6 weeks to generate the prosthetics. You will come in for your fitting once your dentures are ready.

Your restorative dentist will have you try the dentures on during the fitting. This allows them to make sure the dentures fit accordingly. Our Kissing Camels Family Dentistry team will also make sure to show you how to remove and clean your dentures properly. You will probably be advised to wear them until your follow-up appointment, where any additional changes will be made. As previously mentioned, this step will occur during the preparation appointment if you are receiving immediate dentures, and adjustments will be made after your mouth has healed.

How Do I Care for Dentures?

Our friend Dr. Hoang, a restorative dentist in Bethlehem, GA, agrees that any patient who is new to dentures will have an adjustment period. At first, dentures may feel very weird as there is now a foreign object in your mouth, resulting in talking and eating difficulties, besides physical adjustments, figuring out how to take care of your dentures.

A common misconception about dentures is that you don’t need to clean them with real teeth. On the contrary, it is critical to take care of your dentures because plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria can still build up on the teeth. Your dentures need to be cleaned every day, no matter what type of prosthetic you have. Even though they’re removable, the dentures should remain in your mouth for a certain amount of time. Your Colorado Springs dentist will inform you of the dos and don’ts of dentures. Here is a rough guideline for caring for your dentures.

To prevent dental problems such as tooth decay or gum disease, it is important to follow these steps:

  • Brush your dentures and gums with a very soft toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Remove any bacteria and debris while your dentures are outside your mouth.
  • Soak your dentures in denture solution or clean water anytime they are out of your mouth.

How Long Do Dentures Last?

When correctly taken care of, dentures typically last for about 5 to 7 years. Over time, they will naturally wear the base on which the artificial teeth sit and need to be revived. Your mouth will naturally change as you grow older, and your dentures may not fit properly. Fortunately, without damaging the teeth, the base is very simple to fix. 

However, there are ways of maximizing the lifespan of your denture that go beyond daily cleaning. When handling the prosthetics, it is wise to be gentle as they can break easily if dropped. You should be aware, too, of making sure they never dry out. Soaking your dentures in solution when you’re not wearing them will ensure that your dentures do not dry out. They can also be placed in warm, not hot water because the dentures’ shape can be warped or ruined by hot water. Dr. Boals says dentures are not cheap to replace, so you should take good care of your dentures if you want them to last as long as possible. 

Replacing missing teeth is crucial to good oral health, whether it’s with dentures or dental implants. If you’re interested in restorative dentistry solutions, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a consultation. Our team is happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 

Sedation Dentistry Myths

Sedation Dentistry Myths - Dr. Boals

Sedation Dentistry Myths

What do you know about sedation dentistry? We often find that our patients have been misinformed or have only knowledge of some of the sedation dentistry myths floating out there. Debunking these myths can ensure that each of our patients is better informed about the benefits of sedation dentistry.

We’ve gathered some of the most common sedation dentistry myths that we’ve heard about sedation dentistry. We’re debunking them so that our patients can have a solid and accurate understanding.

Myth One: Sedation Dentistry is Exclusively for Complicated Surgical Procedures

While it is true that sedation dentistry is quite often associated with complicated surgical procedures, it can be used for the majority of dental procedures at our Colorado Springs dentist office. Sedation dentistry can be used for routine dental procedures, including root canal therapy and the removal of wisdom teeth.

Myth Two: There is just one type of sedation

Generally speaking, there are three types of sedation dentistry.

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • Oral sedation
  • IV sedation

Nitrous oxide and oral sedation are quite often the best choices for basic, routine procedures. IV sedation can be the choice for more complex oral procedures if you visit an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs and ask about sedation dentistry. It will help get you out of pain and help control anxiety they may be feeling.

Myth Three: Sedation Dentistry Is Not Safe

One of the most important things to be aware of is that your dentist and their staff will always make safety a priority. When you visit your dentist in Colorado Springs, you can be assured that your candidacy for sedation dentistry will be carefully considered.

When it comes to sedation dentistry in Colorado Springs, patients will find out if they are suitable candidates for sedation during their dental procedure.

Dentistry and dental technology have come a long way, says Digital Doc, an industry leader for intraoral cameras. Dentists know more now than ever and with the right tools diagnosis and treatment has vastly improved. Sedation dentistry is no different. There are plenty sedation dentistry options for everyone. It’s important to let your dentist know everything you know about your medical history before you plan your dental procedure. This will allow your dentist to recommend a treatment solution that will prove safe for you.

Myth Four: Sedation Dentistry is Safe for Everyone

This may be confusing, but while your safety will always be prioritized, there are some situations where sedation dentistry may not be the right option for some patients.

You may find you’re not the right candidate for sedation dentistry if some of the following apply.

  • You’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You’ve had a previous allergic reaction to one or more of the medications used for sedation dentistry
  • You have asthma or another medical condition that can intervene with the effectiveness of the medications used

Discuss your concerns with your dentist, and together you’ll come up with the right option to help you through your dentist appointment.

Myth Five: Only Patients with Anxiety Qualify for Sedation Dentistry

Some myths will indeed be wrapped in some form of truth. In this case, there’s no truth to the idea that sedation dentistry is only right for those with anxiety. Sedation dentistry can also be used for several reasons, including the following:

  • In situations where patients have an intense gag reflex
  • On patients who have severe fears of needles
  • In situations where patients are restless, and cannot sit still
  • For patients who are undergoing complex or multiple procedures at one time

Do you have anxiety and perhaps wish to be sedated during even a dental cleaning? Even the noninvasive treatments like veneers can call for sedation dentistry. Just ask your Colorado Springs dentist to learn more. 

There’s no reason for you to fear the dentist. Knowing the truth about sedation dentistry can put you at ease, no matter which procedure you have coming up. To learn more about our sedation services, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.

Types of Teeth Whitening

Types of Teeth Whitening - Dr. Boals

Types of Teeth Whitening

The color of our teeth can change drastically over the years. The natural aging process alone can see our teeth losing their previous pearly white status. Combine that with smoking, and eating and drinking foods that can stain our teeth, and there’s the potential for teeth that are simply not as brilliantly white as they once were.

There are a number of teeth whitening solutions that we, your go-to dentist in Colorado Springs, can offer. There are in-office teeth whitening solutions and also take-home teeth whitening kits that can also help to get your teeth white and your smile brighter.

But which option is the right one for you? Let’s examine in-office teeth whitening vs. take-home teeth whitening, so that you can better understand which one will work best for your teeth whitening needs.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatments

Visiting your Colorado Springs dentist is your first step to getting your teeth whiter. An in-office teeth whitening treatment can change the color of your teeth several shades lighter. Professional teeth whitening is often touted as being the most effective solution, and the longest-lasting solution. 

This is due in part to the fact that in-office whitening treatments use whitening solutions that contain higher levels of the active ingredient hydrogen peroxide than can be found in other treatment options. The concentration of this active ingredient could be between 25 and 40%. Compare this to at-home whitening solutions that contain around 10% of the active ingredient.

In addition, not only will you find in-office teeth whitening treatments to be more effective, but you will appreciate that it’s a quick visit to the office. In just one trip and in less than an hour, you’ll be able to see great whitening results.

Take-Home Teeth Whitening Treatments

The next best option for professional in-office treatment is the professional take-home teeth whitening kit that can be supplied by your dentist. These treatments begin with a visit to your dentist so that impressions can be taken of your teeth. These impressions are then sent to a lab so that custom-fit whitening trays can be made for you.

Once the trays have been made, you’ll be sent home with them. Combined with a whitening gel, you’ll need to wear your whitening trays for up to an hour a day, for up to two weeks. 

This is a more affordable option than the in-office treatment. However, Dr. David Moghadam, a cosmetic dentist in Easton, PA, says it does take more time than the in-office treatment takes. The results will be pretty similar to the results you’ll see from in-office treatments, but again it does take some additional work and time.

Considering Over-The-Counter Whitening Kits

There are several over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, some of which can produce moderate results. Broadly speaking, there are four types of teeth whitening options.

  • Gels
  • Toothpaste
  • Strips
  • One-size whitening trays

These whitening kits are more cost-effective options. However, the one-size whitening trays won’t fit your mouth as comfortably as you would be able to get from your dentist. Another consideration is that the bleaching agent in the over-the-counter kits won’t be as strong as those used by your dentist.

To instantly and permanently transform your smile, consider getting veneers in Colorado Springs. Patients are always blown away by the end result. As a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs that patients rely on, we are committed to keeping you smiling brightly.