Free Day of Dental & Minnie’s Macarons Feature

Free Day of Dental & Minnie’s Macarons Feature

Free Day of Dental & Minnie’s Macarons Feature

On Friday, July 23rd, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry hosted a Free Day of Dental event for local business owners in the Colorado Springs community. Almost thirty business owners were present and it was an amazing opportunity to connect small local business owners in the community. Throughout the day we had small Colorado Springs business owners displaying their products and services in our office including local artists, jewelers, and homemade desserts.

Dentistry & Macarons

Leann Nelson, founder, and owner of Minnie’s Macarons sold her delicious handmade French cookies at our Free Day of Dental event. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry has partnered with Leann for about a year now. In fact, every new patient at our office receives a welcome box which includes a package of Minnie’s Macarons. Our patients rave about her delectable treats, which is why we want to talk a little about Minnie’s Macarons’ journey and how it came to be.

The Creator Behind Minnie’s Macarons

Leann is a Colorado Springs native who serves small batch, handmade macarons locally. She started her business in April of 2020 in the midst of the pandemic. She always had a passion for baking and had always wanted to start her own business. So, she combined the two to create Minnie’s Macarons. Leann wanted to make a unique treat that was difficult to find in stores. She actually visited Paris and had a macaron that was so delicious she decided she wanted to make the French cookie just as well as it was presented to her in France.

Nothing is easy at first, Leann quickly learned this as she strived to perfect her recipe and baking technique. However, practice makes perfect and her macarons are as beautiful and tasty as ever!

With her business being just a year and a few months old, Leann has made some huge strides. She has started to cater to weddings, create large orders for businesses, and has a new website! Her future goals include opening a small storefront, pop-up shops, and connecting with other local businesses in the community.

Contact Minnie’s Macarons

We are so proud to be partnered with Leann and her outstanding business, Minnie’s Macarons. If you don’t believe how good they are, try for yourself! Order today by contacting Leann at [email protected]. Be sure to check out her stellar content on Facebook and Instagram.

Benefits of Zoom Teeth Whitening

benefits of zoom teeth whitening - Colorado Springs CO

Benefits of Zoom Teeth Whitening

Three Benefits of Zoom Teeth Whitening

Are you tired of trying over-the-counter whitening strips, toothpaste, and trays? You’re not alone. Many people are frustrated with these take-home teeth whitening results, which is why professional teeth whitening is recommended. At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we offer Zoom teeth whitening services in Colorado Springs. With Zoom teeth whitening you’ll have a brighter smile just like that. Read this article to learn about the three benefits of zoom teeth whitening.  

Quick Results 

Unlike at-home teeth whitening, your dentist can give you a visibly whiter smile in under an hour. Zoom teeth whitening, as the name implies, is a rapid cosmetic dentistry treatment that is easy to fit into a busy schedule. For those with severe teeth discoloration, we may need to split the teeth whitening appointment into three sessions that are 15 minutes long. We recommend that you contact your Colorado Springs dentist to see if Zoom whitening is good for you.

If you’re unhappy with your smile, Dr. Boals or Dr. Johnson may recommend porcelain veneers. Although these treatments will create exceptional results, they can be costly. If your teeth are simply discolored, professional teeth whitening may be the best option. Of course, it’s recommended that you visit our dental office in Colorado Springs before starting any treatment. Our Kissing Camels Dentistry team will recommend the best treatment for your smile. 

Can You Whiten Your Teeth At Home?

Depending on the severity of your tooth staining, your dentist may be able to provide you with supplies to try teeth whitening at home. If this is the case, your dentist will make a bespoke whitening tray by taking an impression of your teeth. When you whiten your teeth at home, you can do so whenever it is most convenient for you. 

Ideal for Sensitive Teeth

If you’ve tried over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments, you may have noticed that your teeth are more sensitive. This is a common problem that you can avoid with professional whitening treatments. The whitening gel and varnish we use at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry are precisely made to prevent gum and teeth irritation. While some of our patients feel “zingers,” or small bursts of discomfort during treatment, many are prepared to put up with the discomfort in exchange for brighter teeth. Our friend Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, explains that everyone’s pain threshold is different. Trust us when we say that Zoom teeth whitening results are so worth it! 

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

Not in love with your smile? Zoom teeth whitening may be the perfect solution for you! Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson are happy to see you for a consultation. To help you save time, we now offer virtual dental consultations. We can’t wait to help you enhance your smile! Please contact our dental office in Colorado Springs for more information.

Take Advantage of Free Dental Day!

take advantage of free dental day colorado springs co

Take Advantage of Free Dental Day!

Calling all Colorado Springs local business owners! We’re having a FREE Dental Day at our dental office. At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, supporting our Colorado Springs community means the world to us. Staying local means helping those within our community. Supporting local businesses like yours is the least we can do, which is why Free Dental Day is so near and dear to our hearts. Continue reading below to learn more about how you can take advantage of Free Dental Day on July 23, 2021!

How To Take Advantage of Free Dental Day

We understand that quality dental services can come at a hefty price. With Free Dental Day, local business owners have the choice of one free service. First, you’ll need to contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a pre-screening before the event. One of our dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, will go over your health history and take dental x-rays. From there, you will choose between one of the Free Dental Day services.

Free Dental Day Services

When you visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for Free Dental Day, you’ll have a choice of one of the following services:

  • A free filling
  • One free tooth extraction
  • A free dental cleaning

Each Free Dental Day service includes full-mouth x-rays and a comprehensive exam worth $282. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Call to take advantage of Free Dental Day at our Colorado Springs dental office!

Local Businesses We Love

By supporting local businesses in Colorado, you support your local economy. Shopping local helps both your neighborhood and community. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry has collaborated with many local businesses. View our Stay Local page to learn about some of our favorite local businesses in Colorado Springs, CO. 

Types of Dental Restorations

types of dental restorations - Colorado Springs CO

Types of Dental Restorations

Dental restoration is usually done to restore missing, damaged, or decayed teeth. Restorative dentistry offers a few approaches for dealing with these types of dental issues. Below, our Colorado Springs dentists share some popular types of dental restorations

Dental Crowns

Crowns in Colorado Springs are used to restore broken, cracked, or chipped teeth to their original height. Dental crowns can meet your esthetic and functional needs by replacing teeth weakened by normal wear and tear caused by aging and tooth grinding.

When it comes to dental restorations, on lays provide far more coverage than fillings or inlays. Colorado Springs dentists use an impression of the mouth to develop them in the dental lab. They are often referred to as partial crowns because they protect a significant portion of a damaged tooth without completely covering it. Their primary function is to protect and restore teeth with a custom-designed tooth, similar to a fitted cap.


Dentists in Colorado Springs use partial dentures, dental implants, and dental bridges to repair damaged teeth that would otherwise have a major effect on the appearance and function of your teeth. One or more missing teeth may cause other teeth to move. Our friend, Dr. Kim, a general dentist in Lexington, KY, says this may cause a change in the bite that can impair your ability to chew or speak. 

Dental Bonding

This type of dental restoration is affordable and effective. Dental bonding is used to temporarily fix dental imperfections like cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. Dental bonding can be completed in just one visit to our dental office in Colorado Springs. Ask your dentist if bonding is the right treatment for you. 


Dental veneers are extremely effective when it comes to restoring your smile. They are a form of dental prosthetic that is used for cosmetic purposes. They are most often made of porcelain ceramic, but resin may be used as well. Veneers are wafer-thin shells designed to “cap” teeth and conceal several cosmetic flaws such as chips, stains, unevenly spaced, discolored, or gapped teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants may be the only option in some cases. A single implant can replace a single missing tooth, while multiple implants can support a dental bridge to replace multiple missing teeth. These tooth-shaped dental prosthetics are often used to repair teeth that have been cracked or decayed. After a root canal, a dental crown may protect the underlying tooth structure from further damage. Your dentist will make sure to match your crown with your natural teeth perfectly.

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

If you have missing, damaged, or decayed teeth, you should consider these types of dental restorations. Before starting restorative dentistry, you should contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a consultation. Our team will assess your smile and recommend the best treatment plan. Don’t hide your smile any longer. Call us today!

Signs of a Dead Tooth

signs of a dead tooth - Colorado Springs

Signs of a Dead Tooth

Healthy teeth are so important to your overall health that even minor tooth decay and the resulting pain can be extremely distressing, particularly if you can’t figure out where it’s coming from. Cavities and other dental problems can often be seen. Still, a dead tooth is not always visible in its early stages. Overall, it’s best to visit your Colorado Springs dentist as soon as possible before things worsen. Read below to learn more about the signs of a dead tooth.

What Is A Dead Tooth?

A tooth is made up of several layers: enamel, dentin, and pulp. To remain viable, teeth need a constant blood supply to the pulp, which is the innermost part of the tooth and is made up of nerves and blood vessels. When the blood flow to the pulp is cut off, the tooth begins to die due to a lack of vital nutrients and oxygen. A non-vital or necrotic tooth is another name for this dental problem. If left untreated, it would most likely become infected. In these cases, the patient will likely experience a tooth abscess, and the tooth will ultimately fall out if untreated, says Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson.


Tooth Decay: Cavities may form due to a lack of good oral hygiene habits, allowing bacteria to access the pulp over time. Healthy tooth pulp can resist infection for as long as possible, but the longer the inflammation lasts, the more likely the tooth will become necrotic.

Tooth Trauma: Physical damage to the tooth may occur unexpectedly and for various causes, including participation in a contact sport or a fall in which the mouth or face is hurt. If you don’t seek emergency dental care, a dead tooth may occur.

In general, this is the sequence of events that leads to a tooth being non-vital:

  • A cavity begins to enter a tooth.
  • Dental injury occurs.
  • Infection caused by breaks or cracks in the tooth.
  • Bacteria are combated by healthy pulp.
  • Swelling and pressure develop, resulting in pain.
  • The tooth nerve is deficient in nutrients and oxygen.
  • Blood supply to the tooth is decreased or completely stopped, resulting in a necrotic tooth.

Signs of a Dead Tooth

There are two key signs to search for if you think you have a dead tooth:

Tooth Pain: The first sign of a dead tooth is generally discomfort in and around the tooth. The pain can range from mildly annoying to unbearable. The inflammation and swelling within the tooth placed pressure on the periodontal membrane, the delicate nerve tissue around the base of the tooth.

Tooth Discoloration: A dying or dead tooth changes colors due to a lack of blood flow, which is similar to bruising. As it dies, the tooth will change color, going from yellow to gray and finally black.

If the tooth becomes more infected or abscessed, you can experience additional symptoms such as:

  • Periodontal swelling around the tooth
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Inflammed/sore gums

It is important to obtain prompt and effective care for a dying or dead tooth because there are measures that can be taken to save the tooth or prevent it from being infected potentially. Your Colorado Springs dentist will take x-rays to assess the extent of the damage within the tooth so that a repair plan can be developed.


Tooth ExtractionEarly treatment can help to avoid extraction, but if the tooth cannot be saved, it must be extracted to prevent infection spread. Tooth extractions are a common procedure that can be completed easily and with minimal discomfort. After your dentist in Colorado Springs extracts the tooth, you have a few choices for replacing it later. Our friend Dr. Wade, a dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, says that most offices will recommend a dental implant or a dental bridge to help prevent additional dental problems down the road. 

Root Canal TherapyThe operation entails a thorough cleaning of the interior of a tooth to extract contaminated tissue or abscesses and the scraping of the pulp, and cleaning of the tooth canals. If the tooth is no longer alive, it can still be useful if it is not damaged. A dead tooth is fragile and can easily chip and crack. Therefore a dental crown may be required to add strength and support to the tooth.

Contact a Colorado Springs Dentist

Now that you’ve read the Signs of a Dead Tooth, you should better understand what to look out for. If you are experiencing any of the above, please contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry before the problem worsens. Our dental office is a judgment-free zone. We genuinely care about our patients and want everyone to have optimal oral health. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today.

Popular Adult Smile Makeover Options

most popular adult smile makeover options - Colorado Springs CO

Popular Adult Smile Makeover Options

People who have unsightly smiles would be relieved to know that there is a wide variety of products and treatments available to help correct even the most hideous smiles and turn them into something beautiful and long-lasting. However, before making a decision, you should explore some of the most popular adult smile makeover options. Below, your Colorado Springs dentists, Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Johnson discuss some of the cosmetic dentistry solutions available.

Braces for Adults

Braces are appropriate for those who have crooked teeth, overbites, or underbites. This choice necessitates several daily visits to the dentist or orthodontist to ensure that everything is in order and that everything is aligning properly. Braces are visible, and people who wear them often complain of tightness, soreness, and discomfort. They are, however, extremely useful once a commitment is made.


If you’re looking for a more subtle way to straighten your smile, clear aligners may be for you. Clear aligners are a more effective way to straighten your smile. The trays should be removed when you’re eating, drinking, or brushing/flossing your teeth. Despite their high cost, they are non-invasive and barely visible.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Everybody loves a bright, beautiful smile. If you’re looking for a quick way to enhance your current smile, then professional teeth whitening is a great option. Over time, your white smile may begin to fade. Teeth whitening is typically performed by a dentist, but for minor stains and discoloration, individuals may buy white strips or other over-the-counter items. Our friend, Dr. Josh Eastham, a cosmetic dentist in Grand Junction, recommends professional whitening for the best results. 


Although teeth whitening may be enough for some people to be satisfied with their appearance, others prefer a perfect smile. A cosmetic dentist may position dental veneers to accomplish this. They are, however, costly and necessitate the removal of some enamel for fitting. Porcelain veneers will maintain a pearly white smile for up to 15 years if properly cared for.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the way to go for a more permanent alternative to missing teeth. They are intended to appear fully normal and to last for up to 25 years. Dental implants necessitate some surgery and implantation before they can be installed, but the smile will be well worth it in the end.

Search for a Cosmetic Dentist 

People no longer have to hide their smiles, thanks to cosmetic dentistry solutions. As you can see, these popular adult smile makeover options give us endless options. All you have to do is contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a consultation. Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson will explore some of the smile makeover options available. 

Benefits of Dental Bonding

benefits for dental bonding - colorado springs

Benefits of Dental Bonding

With proper love and care, teeth are meant to last a lifetime. However, things happen, and over time, it’s common for teeth to chip, fall out, or become stained. If you’re looking for an affordable way to fix these cosmetic issues, dental bonding may be an excellent option. In this article, our Colorado Springs dentist, Dr. Boals, explains the different benefits of dental bonding. 

What’s Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry technique in which tooth-colored composite material is added to the tooth. It is first applied to the outside of the tooth. Then it forms, hardens, and then will be polished. This treatment is used as a minor cosmetic treatment and is used to repair broken, chipped, or gapped teeth. Your dentist will match the dental bonding composite to your natural teeth.

Dental Bonding Pros and Cons

Dental bonding is often underrated. This treatment can really change your smile for the better. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of dental bonding: 

Pros of Dental Bonding

  • Affordable  – As we said above, dental bonding is an affordable cosmetic treatment. It’s estimated to range from $300 – $600 compared to veneers that are well worth over $1,000 a tooth.
  • Less Time – This treatment can be done in less than an hour per tooth! You also won’t have to come back for additional visits.
  • Simple – Dental bonding is a very straightforward treatment compared to dental crowns or tooth extractions. 
  • No recovery time necessary – Unlike many other dental treatments, there’s no downtime for recovery! 

Cons of Dental Bonding

  • Potential for stains – Unlike crowns and porcelain veneers, dental bonding tends to discolor over time. If you tend to drink a lot of coffee, wine, or smoke, you’ll likely need to get your dental bonding replaced at some point. Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, suggests avoiding these substances for one or two days to avoid staining. 
  • Not a permanent solution – In addition, the material used in dental bonding is not as solid and durable as porcelain veneers and crowns. It could chip or break if you don’t take good care of it. Dental bonding usually lasts for 3 – 7 years.

Is Dental Bonding For Me?

If you have minor problems—such as a broken or discolored tooth, a gap between your teeth, or silver fillings, then consider dental bonding. Ask your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, for a consultation. Dr. Boals or Dr. J will address your concerns and recommend the best treatment option for your unique smile. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to schedule your appointment!

What to Do If I Break My Tooth

What to Do If I Break a Tooth - Colorado Springs dentists

What to Do If I Break My Tooth

A broken tooth can be a scary situation. If you’re dealing with this, contact our emergency dental office in Colorado Springs, CO. Otherwise, read the article What to Do If I Break a Tooth to prepare yourself better if the time ever comes. 

What You Can Do For a Broken or Cracked Tooth

A tooth with a small crack or chip might be a disaster waiting to happen. For a small crack or chip in your tooth, you’ll want to be extremely careful when eating or chewing. Anything can completely break your tooth if you’re not careful. Our Colorado Springs dentists suggest watching out for foods or drinks with hot or cold temperatures.

Broken Tooth

A cavity or an accident are the most common causes of broken teeth. If this is true, we suggest taking the following steps: 

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water or saltwater.
  • Apply a cold compress to the face over the broken tooth.
  • Apply gauze to the broken tooth to stop the bleeding. The bleeding should stop after about 10 minutes. 
  • If you have had a severe break, you will need to see an emergency dentist within 24 hours.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever to assist with the discomfort. Avoid taking Asprin.
  • Contact your dentist to inform them.

Tooth Completely Fell Out

This is considered a dental emergency, and it is likely you’ll need immediate treatment. If the tooth has been fully extracted, make sure that the crown handles the removed tooth. Don’t grab the root of the tooth. A tooth that was totally knocked out could cause serious nerve damage. Don’t worry, it’s possible to replace the tooth in the socket. Our friend Dr. Beth Herko, a dentist in New Providence, NJ, says that treatment for a tooth avulsion is most effective if it’s done right away.

How a Dentist Will Repair a Broken or Cracked Tooth

Chipped Tooth

Most chips don’t require immediate treatment, but it is recommended that you contact your dentist to make an appointment as soon as possible. If it’s small, it can be smoothed and polished by Dr. Boals or Dr. J. Your dentist may recommend bonding or white fillings to hide the chipped tooth.

Cracked Tooth

When your tooth cracks, it’ll typically happen to the entire tooth. Therefore, seeing an emergency dentist is recommended. Once you come in, we will patch the crack with a filling. If it’s more serious, you may need a dental crown or root canal. Our team will work with you to come up with the best solution.

Broken Tooth

A broken tooth is going to be highly sensitive, and you’re going to want to see the best dentist in Colorado Springs, CO. The idea would most likely result in a dentist having to cover his tooth with a crown. Nowadays, porcelain or resin crowns may look as natural as a real tooth. If your tooth is totally broken, but your root is still ticked, you will need root canal surgery. The dentist can set up enough of a foundation to insert a pin or a post so that the crown can be positioned later.

Emergency Dental Care

When you’ve broken, chipped, or cracked your teeth, you can always count on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to help. Our team will get your smile looking as good as new in no time! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our dental services in Colorado Springs. 

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign Colorado Springs - How Invisalign Works

How Invisalign Works

Most people would love to have a straighter smile, but they don’t want the hassle of traditional metal braces. Luckily, Invisalign clear aligners have changed the game for patients everywhere. Achieve the smile you want with this convenient orthodontic treatment. So, how does it work? In the article below, Colorado Springs dentists exactly how Invisalign works.

What Is Invisalign?

Many patients love Invisalign aligners because they are practically invisible. Yes, you won’t have to deal with metal brackets or wires. Invisalign is completed with a series of trays that gradually shift your teeth in desired spots. As you work through the series of trays, your teeth move further along. Patients who use Invisalign can expect to get a new set of trays every two weeks or so. Once your treatment is complete, your teeth will be in their perfect position. The best part of Invisalign is that you can just pop your trays in and be on your way! No need for awkward brackets or rubber bands. Go through a smile transformation without anyone knowing.

Invisalign Can Treat Most Dental Problems

So, how do you know if Invisalign is for you? Fortunately, Invisalign can treat many dental problems such as: 

  • Tooth gaps
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crowded Teeth
  • Misaligned Teeth

You’ll be able to determine if Invisalign is the right solution for you at your initial appointment with Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. 

What to Expect During Invisalign Treatment

First, you’ll need to visit our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO, for an Invisalign consultation. Dr. Boals or Dr. J will assess your smile and decide if Invisalign is the best treatment option for your smile. During this initial appointment, our doctors will answer any and all questions you have. Additionally, we will take impressions of your smile and show you a 3D model of what your smile will look like after Invisalign treatment. Once you’ve decided whether or not Invisalign is for you, we will schedule you for another appointment. If we’ve come to the conclusion that Invisalign is not going to work for your unique smile, we will recommend other cosmetic dentistry or restorative dentistry solutions.  

When you’ve decided you’d like to start Invisalign, we will have custom BPA-free plastic trays made for you. We will use the impressions we originally took to make these trays. For your second appointment, we will have you try on your Invisalign aligners and determine whether or not they’re a good fit. Our friend, Dr. Kim, a dentist in Lexington, KY, says that you may experience some discomfort when you first start Invisalign. This is completely normal and will eventually go away. As mentioned before, you will come back to pick up your new aligners every 2-3 weeks, depending on your treatment plan.

Timeline for Invisalign Treatment

The timeline for Invisalign depends on the smile. For adults, the average treatment will take about 12 months. Treatment can go up to 1.5 years, but Invisalign is more efficient than traditional braces. However, patients must wear their aligners for a minimum of 22 hours per day. You may remove your aligners when you eat or drink, but you must be diligent about wearing them. Otherwise, your treatment may take longer. 

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

If you’re curious if Invisalign clear aligners are right for you, contact our dental office! Our team is happy to help you find a solution for your smile. We’re currently accepting new patients, so give us a call! 

Meet Your Colorado Springs Dentists

Nextdoor neighborhood favorite

Meet Your Colorado Springs Dentists

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, our team strives to be kind and caring. Anyone who walks through the door is considered part of the family. Our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO, has an environment unlike any other. If you want to feel welcomed and relaxed, visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry! Below, introduce you to your Colorado Springs dentists

Meet Dr. Cody Boals

Dr. Boals has a true passion for dentistry. He loves that every smile is unique, which brings a new challenge each day. Outside of the dental practice, Dr. Boals enjoys hiking, fly fishing, and spending time with his family and four rescue animals. 

Meet Dr. Alexa Johnson

Dr. Johnson, also known as “Dr. J,” comes from central Illinois, but she’s happy to call Colorado her home. She’s been helping Kissing Camels Family Dentistry since day one, and now we’re excited to have her full-time. Dr. J is happy to help with both your dental and esthetic needs. Not only does Dr. J excel in dentistry, but also in dermal fillers and botox. 

Dental Services

No matter what your dental needs are, you can always count on Dr. Boals or Dr. J to help you reach your smile goals. Our team offers a wide variety of dental services. Some of our services include: 

If you’re looking for a new dentist in Colorado Springs, give us a call! We are currently accepting new patients. To stay up to date on the latest office news, follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our YouTube channel!