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Happy National Brush Day

Oral hygiene is important to our teeth and our general health – that’s why we brush our teeth! Any plaque that is not removed on and between your teeth will eventually cause gum disease and tooth decay. If you’re anything like us, you were told countless times to brush your teeth when you were a child. So, you’d think that we all know how to brush our teeth correctly. However, the Academy of General Dentistry says that many adults do not brush their teeth properly. So, to honor National Brush Day on November 1st, we’re sharing the right way to brush your teeth.

The Basics of Brushing Your Teeth

You should brush your teeth two times a day for two minutes. That is, in the morning, when you wake up and right before you go to sleep. To make sure that you brush properly for the allotted time, Dr. Boals suggests using a stopwatch while brushing your teeth. If you want to be even more efficient, you could purchase an electric toothbrush that has an inbuilt timer. 

It does not matter what way you use to time yourself, as long as you brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day. 

The Tools You Need for Good Oral Hygiene

Which is better, an electric toothbrush or a traditional toothbrush? Colorado Springs dentists have no preference between the two, as long as you use a toothbrush that has soft bristles and can reach your back molars.

Your toothbrush needs to be replaced every 3-4 months or when your bristles fray. Using a toothbrush with frayed bristles will be harmful to your teeth. The toothpaste you choose depends on your preference. Use whichever toothpaste that you like. Just make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride works by preventing tooth decay and cavity development. If you do have cavities, fluoride works well in fighting those cavities. Dr. Chris Green, a family dentist in Parker, CO, recommends choosing a toothpaste that is FDA approved. 

Another essential that you need for optimal dental health is floss. Flossing helps you get rid of at least 80% of the plaque that is on your teeth, and flossing prevents plaque buildup. Floss also prevents gum disease, and you need to take care of both your teeth and gums. There’s plenty of floss to choose from waxed, unwaxed, floss picks.

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

We now know the proper tools needed to brush your teeth properly. Now, let’s go over the correct way to do it in a way that is recommended by dentists in Colorado Springs.

  1. Put a pea-size amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush
  2. You should hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
  3. Move your toothbrush gently over your teeth surfaces (the front, back, and tops of your teeth) in a circular motion.
  4. Employ a gentle back and forth motion on your teeth’s chewing surfaces when brushing
  5. Spit the toothpaste out after brushing but do not rinse your mouth. The toothpaste that is left in your mouth after you spit protects your teeth against decay
  6. Brush your tongue to rid it of any bacteria buildup since the last time you brushed
  7. Floss; it does not matter whether it’s before or after brushing but ensure you floss.

What to Avoid When Brushing Your Teeth

Now that we know the proper ways to brush our teeth, here are a few things your 80907 dentist says you should avoid when brushing your teeth:

Apart from picking the wrong brush, you may also be;

  1. Scrubbing your teeth too hard – Because plaque is loose and soft, there’s no need to scrub your teeth. Brushing too hard will ruin your enamel.
  2. You rush when brushing – Let’s say you’re late for work, so you want to rush through brushing. Don’t do it! Use the timer on your phone to ensure you spend the correct amount of time brushing. If you have to get up earlier to brush your teeth, then so be it!
  3. You hold onto your old toothbrush for a little too long – We mentioned above, when your bristles fray, get a new toothbrush. Also, do not share your toothbrush with anybody and keep your toothbrush in the open air. This will prevent bacteria or mold from growing on it when the toothbrush head is wet. This is a very common mistake, and we tell our patients at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.
  4. You miss the gum line – Most bacteria are usually found where your gums and teeth meet. This area is commonly missed. So when brushing, ensure you also brush the gum line area. To do so, use the 45º angle we talked about above. Tilt your toothbrush up and down in order to reach the inside of your front teeth. 
  5. You forget to brush your tongue – Many people fail to brush the sides of their tongue.  So, remember to brush your tongue for the best oral hygiene.
  6. You brush your teeth immediately after eating – Brushing your teeth immediately after eating may erode your tooth enamel. Colorado Springs dentists recommend waiting at least 20 minutes for the saliva in your mouth to offset the acid before you brush. Alternatively, you can also rinse your mouth out with water to get rid of some of the acids before you brush your teeth.

Visit Your Colorado Springs Dentist Annually

Now that we’ve covered everything about brushing, we can move onto visiting the dentist! Make sure you visit your dentist twice a year for a dental cleaning and checkup! This will ensure that your teeth are as healthy as can be. If you have any questions on how to take care of your teeth or would like to make an appointment, contact your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO. Needless to say, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is happy to help you with your oral health. Contact us today!