Benefits of Veneers

Benefits of Veneers - Dr. Boals Colorado Springs

Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth and smile? Dental veneers can enhance your appearance giving you the confidence to show off your smile. When it comes to veneers in Colorado Springs, patients realize that they can rely on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to lead them in the right way. How much do you know about the benefits of veneers? As your dentist at Colorado Springs, we appreciate how important it is to understand the dental procedures you’re involved in. The following advantages of veneers will help you better understand how veneers can change your smile.

Veneers Treat Cracks, Chips, Gaps, and More

Dental veneers can be used to effectively conceal minor cosmetic concerns that are visible when you speak, smile, or laugh. During the consultation with your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, the health of your teeth will be evaluated. Your teeth will need to be free from decay prior to the application of veneers. The consultation will be your opportunity to learn more about what restorative work you may need and to determine whether you’re a strong candidate for dental veneers.

It is important to note that your teeth will need to be free from signs of decay, but they should have the strength required to host the veneers. A dental crown may better serve somewhat fragile teeth.

Veneers can be shaped to give you the look that you want. Whether you’re addressing cracks, chips on one or more teeth, or perhaps gaps, you’ll love the instant smile transformation that veneers can provide.

Minimal Removal of Enamel

Once the enamel on a tooth has been worn away, it won’t grow back. The good news is that the application of veneers requires just a thin layer of enamel to be removed from each tooth. This removal of the enamel is essential, as it allows for a seamless fit of the veneers.

In years past, it may have required more enamel to be removed from each tooth. Today, technology has advanced to the point where only the smallest layer will need to be removed to get the seamless fit when the veneers are set in place. Veneers are considered a better option for cosmetic smile restoration compared to dental crowns and bridges. This is because much more of the tooth will need to be removed before fitting the crown or bridge.

Veneers Are a Noninvasive Cosmetic Treatment 

Our friend Dr. Hoang, a cosmetic dentist in Bethlehem, GA, agrees that patients love that veneers are a non-invasive treatment. Many patients may not even need to be numbed up for each step of the procedure. Crowns are not quite as simple to place on teeth, and they are considered to be slightly more invasive as patients will need to potentially have a fair amount of natural teeth removed to get the seamless fit from the crown. Anesthesia will need to be used during the tooth prep stage.

Disguising Tooth Discoloration With Dental Veneers

Discoloration on your teeth may be the result of years of smoking or exposure to food and drinks that can alter the color of your teeth. Tooth whitening procedures offered by your preferred dentist in Colorado Springs can help to alter the color of your teeth. Dr. Chris Green, a dentist who offers patients teeth whitening in Parker, CO, says that this is only to a degree. Dental veneers can be in any shade that you’d like. If you’re getting one or two veneers, you can get them matched to the color of your natural teeth. If you’re getting a complete smile makeover, you can get an instant pearly white smile with your veneers.

Dental Veneers Can Boost Your Overall Confidence

Dental veneers can give you that instant smile refresh, which can give you an immediate boost to your confidence. This is particularly important if you’ve spent a fair amount of time being ashamed of your smile.

A boost in your confidence levels can help you in all areas of your life, including personal and professional.

Veneers Are Low-Maintenance Cosmetic Treatment

With good oral hygiene and awareness of the foods that you eat, your veneers will last for many good years to come—avoiding biting down on foods that are too hard to protect the structure of your veneers. With good care, you can expect your veneers to last for up to a decade.

Veneers are considered to be stain resistant. However, you will still need to maintain good oral health. Brushing and flossing at least after every meal will help keep your natural teeth in good health. 

Be sure to keep up with regular dental checkups in the office. Avoiding the dentist until you need emergency dental care in Colorado Springs appointment is not the best way to ensure good oral health. Whether in need of a checkup, a cosmetic procedure, or a tooth removal in Colorado Springs, dental patients know they can rely on Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to provide them with the best dental services. 

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in September 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

signs and symptoms of a tooth infection - dr. boals

Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

Do you have an awful toothache? Maybe you’ve noticed a little swelling of the gum or jaw. Does your tooth seem to be a different color? You might be experiencing a severe tooth infection. Each tooth has a nerve, which is also known as the pulp. When your tooth becomes infected, the pulp is affected. If left untreated, a tooth abscess will eventually form, and your tooth will begin to deteriorate even more. There are several signs and symptoms of a tooth infection. Below, our dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, explain what you can expect when experiencing a tooth infection. It might be a severe tooth infection.

How a Tooth Gets Infected

Tooth infections occur when bacteria reach your tooth’s root or pulp. This is usually due to unfilled cavities and lack of good oral hygiene. Tooth infections can be prevented. Unfortunately, infected teeth can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. If your tooth does become infected, your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend a root canal to save your tooth. 

Recognizing the signs of an infection is essential, so you can seek immediate treatment from your Colorado Springs endodontist.

Signs Your Tooth is Infected 

A typical sign of a tooth infection is a pain when eating and drinking. The infection or abscess spreads from the tip of the root, causing it to affect the gum and bone. Dr. Green, an emergency dentist in Parker, CO, says the throbbing pain may be so severe that your aches are not relieved by pain medication. This may be because the infection has spread even further. If you’re experiencing a tooth abscess, the pain will be more prominent.

Dr. Boals shares a few signs of tooth infection:

  • The tooth is darker than the rest of the teeth.
  • You experience swelling of the lymph nodes in your jaw, face, and surrounding area. 
  • Your gum is swollen, and an abscess has formed. The raised swelling around your infected tooth may look similar to a pimple—an open pimple, which is a sure-fire sign of an infection. Dr. Moghadam, an emergency dentist in Easton, PA, recommends calling your dentist immediately if an abscess has formed. This means the infection has gotten much worse.
  • A bad taste in your mouth
  • Pain when opening or closing your mouth.
  • Fever 

How to Treat a Tooth Infection

Many say that a tooth infection is one of the worst feelings ever. Luckily, there are several ways to treat a tooth infection. Your Colorado Springs dentist may suggest root canal therapy if the tooth has not completely deteriorated. A root canal is completely pain-free and is designed to eliminate the infection by removing the root and nerve endings’ infection. Alternatively, to remove the infection and prevent a recurrence, Dr. Boals may need to perform a surgical tooth extraction. If your tooth is healthy except for the infection, prescription antibiotics may help eliminate the infection. Your tooth infection treatment all depends on the severity of your infection. 

If Your Tooth is Infected, What Should You Do?

If you’re experiencing a toothache, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry immediately. Your tooth infection or the abscessed tooth will not go away on its own. The infection can spread throughout the body.

The best way to remove the tooth infection  and avoid any further dental risks, Dr. Boals will give you a full mouth evaluation. From there, we will decide the best treatment plan. Contact our dental office in Colorado Springs, COtoday. 

How Can I Keep My Smile Healthy?

how can i keep my smile healthy - Dr. Boals

How Can I Keep My Smile Healthy?

The COVID-19 coronavirus crisis has led to many dentists closing their doors for regular appointments, and only accepting patients with dental emergencies. While this will help slow the spread of the virus, it has a lot of people wondering “How can I keep my smile healthy when I can’t see the dentist?“. 

In this blog from Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we’ll discuss a few things you should do to keep your mouth healthy, even if you can’t see your dentist for a six-month visit and oral exam. Let’s get started.

1. Ensure Your Dental Hygiene Routine Is In Tip-Top Shape

First and foremost, make sure that you’re maintaining a great oral hygiene routine. You should be brushing at least twice per day for at least two minutes. In fact, you may want to consider brushing three times per day says our friend and dentist in Bethlehem GA, Dr. Hoang. 

If you brush three times per day, once after breakfast, once after lunch, and once before you go to bed, you’ll remove the most bacteria and food debris that you can, and you’ll boost your defense against gum disease and cavities.

Don’t forget about flossing, either. Brushing alone is not enough to clean every surface of your teeth. Flossing once per day will remove food, bacteria, and plaque that may be left behind with brushing alone. 

2. Watch Your Diet And What You Eat 

As a rule, you’ll want to avoid starchy and sugary foods, as well as beverages that are high in sugar like juice, sweetened tea, cocktails, and soda. The bacteria in our mouths thrive on starch and sugar. Eating a diet that consists mostly of lean meat, fresh vegetables, and fruits that are high in fiber, and whole grains can help keep your teeth healthy. 

In fact, some foods can damage your teeth directly. Chewing almonds, ice, and other hard foods with your front teeth could cause them to crack or chip, so you should make sure you chew these kinds of foods with your molars.

You should also avoid gummy and sticky foods (caramel, taffy, gummy candy, etc.) if you have multiple crowns or fillings. Sticky, sugary foods promote tooth decay, and can even pull out your dental work if it’s loose.

3. Avoid Doing Things That Could Damage Your Teeth  

Doing things like chewing pens or pencils or even your fingernails can wear down your teeth prematurely, or even cause them to crack or break. Make sure you only use your teeth to chew food, and not anything else.

That also means you shouldn’t use your teeth as tools to do things like tear open packages or rip tape. They’re not meant to do these things, and could be damaged if you’re not careful. 

Know How To Keep Your Smile Healthy, Even When You Can’t See The Dentist

We hope this guide from Kissing Camels Family Dentistry has helped you learn more about how you can keep your smile healthy, even if you’re not able to see your dentist. Thanks for reading, and stay safe. And when the lockdown is lifted, make sure that you contact us at (719) 301-6604 to schedule your next preventive dentistry appointment in Garden of the Gods, West Colorado Springs, and Manitou Springs. “

Children’s Dental Health Month 2021

Children’s Dental Health Month - Colorado Springs Dentist

Children’s Dental Health Month 2021

February is Children’s Dental Health Month, and at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry we’ll be celebrating all month long! Whether you’re in Garden of the Gods, West Colorado Springs, Centennial, or Fillmore, we invite you to celebrate with our children’s dentist Colorado Springs and schedule an appointment for your little one today.

Between pediatric appointments, it’s important to keep up with your child’s oral hygiene to ensure that their mouth stays healthy and strong.  Here are a few of our best oral hygiene tips for kids to help your family avoid cavities, gum disease, and other oral health conditions:

1. Make Sure They’re Brushing Properly

Proper brushing is critical for your child’s oral health. Children typically have enough dexterity to brush their own teeth around age six. However, you should still supervise to make sure they’re brushing properly. Keep an eye out to make sure they are:

  • Holding the brush at a 45-degree angle to the tooth
  • Brushing in short, tooth-wide strokes
  • Starting with the outside of the teeth, then the inside of the teeth, and finish with the chewing surfaces
  • Brushing for at least two minutes, twice per day. The morning and evening are best.
  • Flossing once per day. You’ll have to floss for your child until they’re about 10, or are coordinated enough to do it yourself.

2. Lead By Example

The best way to get your kids to follow your oral hygiene tips is to lead by example! Make sure that you brush properly and floss once per day. When your kids see you taking care of your teeth, they’ll be more likely to do the same. And, as a bonus, if you make brushing a family activity, it will be easier to keep an eye on your kids to make sure they’re brushing the way they’re supposed to.

3. Drink More Water (And Avoid Soda And Juice)

Drinking more water will help your kids maintain a healthy mouth, particularly if it’s tap water or bottled water that includes fluoride. Water helps rinse away food debris and bacteria, and it also helps maintain a proper pH balance in the mouth says Georgetown KY dentist, Dr. Kristina Neda. Steer clear of excessive soda and juice consumption. Too much sugar and acid are one of the main reasons that children are more prone to cavities.

4. Consider Dental Sealants Or Fluoride Treatments

If your child is cavity-prone, fluoride treatments or dental sealants can help protect their smile. Fluoride treatments use a high concentration of fluoride, which Dr. Boals “paints” onto your child’s teeth. The fluoride helps remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel that has been softened due to decay.

Dental sealants can also help prevent cavities. Dr. Boals will coat your child’s rear molars with a special resin that will harden into a barrier and prevent bacteria from forming on your child’s teeth.

5. Don’t Forget About Six-Month Oral Exams And Teeth Cleanings

Come into Kissing Camels Family Dentistry every six months for an oral exam and teeth cleaning. This advice applies to parents, too! A regular oral exam and teeth cleaning is the best way to prevent cavities, periodontal disease, and other complications for patients of all ages.

Schedule Your Appointment Today – Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month!

There’s no better time to schedule a preventive dentistry appointment at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Whether you need a pediatric appointment for your child or you’re overdue for an exam, get in touch right away! You can reach us at (719) 301-6604 for an appointment, or come by our office near Manitou Springs, Old Colorado City, and Mountain Shadows at 3470 Centennial Blvd, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, Co 80907.