Benefits of Visiting Your Colorado Springs Dentist

Benefits of Visiting Your Colorado Springs Dentist

Benefits of Visiting Your Colorado Springs Dentist

Ever wonder why your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO insists on frequent checkups? It’s not just a matter of brushing your teeth and giving you tips on how to keep your pearly whites. Oral hygiene affects the health of the body. Your dentist will not only treat your toothaches and cavities but also identifies any risk factors that could contribute to more severe conditions. That’s why the American Dental Association suggests that your dentist change the duration of your appointments. Brushing and flossing alone will not help you achieve good oral health. It’s crucial to have an expert look at your mouth. Here are some of the advantages of visiting your Colorado Springs, CO dentist.

What to Expect During Your Visit with Dr. Boals

Your Colorado Springs dentist may examine your face, neck, lymph nodes, and jaw before examining your teeth. This protocol is to scan for any odd lumps and bumps and to check your thyroid. What the dentist really is looking for are symptoms of head, neck, and oral cancer, diabetes, and vitamin deficiency. If your Colorado Springs dentist notices something troubling, you can guarantee that your dentist will recommend the next steps. 

A full-mouth examination of the condition of your teeth and gums lets your dentist decide the best way to improve your oral health long-term.

When your dentist looks into your mouth, they do a variety of different things:

  • Analysis of the gums for any signs of disease
  • Checks for missing or broken teeth and signs of tooth decay
  • Inspects the tissue inside your mouth
  • Takes a look at your tongue
  • Checks your bite
  • Reviews fillings or potential dental problems

Dentists in Colorado Springs, CO, have the equipment and experience to thoroughly examine and treat any dental problem that arises. If you don’t see your dentist when an issue arrises, you won’t know how to fix it. 

Did You Miss a Spot?

No matter how good you brush and floss, you will not be able to remove tartar on your own. Don’t worry, it’s normal. During your visit to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, one of our hygienists will clear up anything you’ve missed. Making your teeth look as good as new. Professional dental cleanings are necessary to decrease the risk of cavities, bacteria, and gum disease.

These professional cleanings include a visual inspection of your teeth and the removal of any tartar build-up. It is accompanied by polishing and probably flossing. After that, Dr. Boals will speak with you about the health of your teeth and gums. They will also make suggestions for improving your oral health or address any concerns that he has. Following this advice, you’ll set up your next dental cleaning t the front desk. 

Dental Problems That Go Unnoticed

Waiting until you have a toothache to see your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, can be troublesome and expensive. Cavities can begin to develop without causing discomfort, and dentists can diagnose them until they become a major problem. The sooner a cavity is detected, the less likely a major surgery, such as a root canal, is to be performed.

Gum disease is another painless disorder. It’s a big cause of loss of teeth. A lot of people don’t even know they have it. If the gum disease is detected soon enough, it is reversible. Early-stage gum disease, known as gingivitis, can be avoided by skilled cleaning followed by good oral hygiene at home. Advanced gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can lead to tissue and bone loss that support the teeth. Periodontitis affects 47.2% of adults over 30 years of age in the United States.

Dental problems may arise without warning signs, which is why it’s crucial to follow a good oral health regimen and see your dentist regularly. This will save you both money and time in the long run.

Why You Need Good Oral Health

We put a lot of stuff into our mouths in our bodies. It makes sense that our teeth should be in good order, doesn’t it? Healthy teeth allow us to eat the food we want while reducing the number of harmful bacteria we swallow. Don’t forget to give us a whiter smile. Polishing during washing removes all stains and improves the enamel teeth. Enamel is a thin layer of coating that coats every tooth. It helps protect against chewing, biting, and grinding damage. Enamel can be eroded by contact with acids, such as those present in soft drinks and fruit drinks. This can lead to sensitive teeth, discoloration, and indentations. It can also make teeth easier to break and chip. Dr. Kim, an emergency dentist in Lexington, KY, agrees that erosion of the enamel makes the teeth more vulnerable to cavities and decay. Going to regular dental cleanings can help make sure your enamel remains intact, and you can enjoy the use of your teeth.

Visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

It’s not just a matter of keeping your teeth clean or a whiter smile. A regular checkup at our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO, will help you live a healthier life and worry less about dental, neck, and head ailments.

Regular visits to the dentist are to help avoid major medical complications and save you money in the future. If you missed your last appointment or need to find a new dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, don’t hesitate to contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry.

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth - Dr. Boals

How to Fix a Cracked Tooth

Teeth are quite sturdy, and if you take extra good care of them, they can last an entire lifetime. However, they aren’t indestructible, and like all bones, can sustain damage from physical trauma. Whether it’s from biting down on something particularly hard or from a fall, the teeth can and will sustain some level of damage if enough force is applied. Since the teeth are crucial to eating and speaking, cracked teeth can greatly impact your quality of life. 

Dr. Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, explains that the teeth are made up of three separate layers. The outer, hardened layer is called the enamel, and it protects the sensitive inner parts of the tooth. A small crack will affect the enamel, but you may not experience sensitivity to sweet foods and temperature. The second layer is the dentin, and once the crack reaches this region, you will definitely experience some sensitivity to temperature and sweet foods. If you don’t visit a dentist in Colorado Springs in time, the crack will grow down to the pulp, the innermost layer of the teeth that houses nerves and blood vessels.  

How Do I Know I Have a Cracked Tooth?

General wear and tear or an injury can result in a cracked tooth, but the crack isn’t always visible. Some cracks are minute and may not require any treatment, but the more extensive cracks that do require some type of dental treatment may result in the following symptoms:

  • Pain that comes and goes when you eat, especially while chewing or biting.
  • Swollen gums around the cracked tooth.
  • Teeth suddenly become sensitive to sweet, hot, or cold foods.
  • Discomfort around the gums and teeth that is hard to pinpoint. 

Dr. Beth Herko, a dentist in New Providence, NJ, says that you may also have a cracked tooth if you bite down too hard on a piece of food, grind your teeth excessively, suffer an injury to your mouth, or have a large existing filling which can weaken the remaining tooth structure. A sudden change in temperature may also result in a cracked tooth. If you drink something hot, let’s say tea, and take a sip of cold water right afterward, the junction between the dentin and the enamel experiences thermal stress which can result in crack formation.

When Should I See My Colorado Springs Dentist?

Some cracks, especially at the front teeth, can be easy to spot and identify. However, it may be a little harder to diagnose a crack in your molars. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, even if you can’t pinpoint exactly which tooth is causing it, you should seek emergency dental care at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. Remember, pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right, so don’t ignore it.

Dr. Boals, the best dentist in Colorado Springs CO, encourages you to schedule an appointment at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry if you suspect you have a cracked tooth. He offers some home remedies he says will keep you comfortable until you can see a dentist:

  • Use ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or any other over-the-counter pain reliever to reduce the pain.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to keep it clean and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Eat softer foods and avoid biting down on the damaged tooth (if you know which one it is).
  • If there is swelling, you can use a cold compress to bring it down. Apply it to your cheek for ten minutes at a time until the swelling goes down.
  • You can also treat the tooth with Dentemp, a product sold at most pharmacies and drug stores. It is designed to temporarily treat chipped teeth until you can see a restorative dentist in Colorado Springs.

Treatment for Cracked Teeth

Most of these self-care tips are only stop-gap measures, and you should see your dentist as soon as you can. The longer it goes untreated, the more difficult it will be for Dr. Boals to save the tooth. Left untreated, an infection may occur, causing increased pain, swelling of the gums, increased sensitivity to temperature and sweet foods, and sore neck glands.

Once your Colorado Springs dentist identifies the cracked tooth and the extent of the damage, they will decide on the most suitable treatment:

  • Fillings are the preferred treatment for small cracks and chips of the enamel. If the cracked tooth is at the front of the mouth, your dentist in Colorado Springs will bond a resin to your tooth, shape it and harden it using UV light.
  • Dental veneers. Thin, custom made tooth-colored resin composite material or porcelain that is applied over the cracked surface of an existing tooth.
  • Dental crowns. If the damage to your tooth is substantial, your dentist may file down the remaining part of the tooth and cover it with a cap or crown designed to protect the tooth, preserve its function and improve aesthetic appearance. 

Cracked and chipped teeth are quite treatable, but if left unchecked, it can lead to tooth loss. While there are things you can do to alleviate any pain, the best thing you could do for your teeth is to visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for an evaluation by Dr. Boals. Give us a call today and let our experienced professionals take care of you!

How to Prevent Gum Disease

how to prevent gum disease - Dr. Boals

How to Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease, gingivitis, or periodontal disease is a relatively common dental condition that affects more than 35.7 million Americans. If you don’t practice proper oral hygiene, plaque and bacteria will accumulate on your teeth over time. This results in the irritation, redness, and swelling of the part of the gums that wraps around your teeth called the gingiva. Like most dental issues, gum disease can spiral into a more serious condition if left unchecked, says Dr. Boals, an emergency dentist in Colorado Springs.

Any dentist in Colorado Springs will tell you prevention is better than cure for conditions like gum disease. Left unchecked, the inflammation will travel below your gum line into your jaw bone, resulting in a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis. However, there’s no shame in having gingivitis. Catching it early will give your emergency dentist in Colorado Springs enough time to plan and execute an effective treatment plan for you. So what are some of the symptoms you should look out for?

  • Red swollen gums may feel tender or painful and bleed easily when you brush or floss your teeth.
  • Bad breath or a persistent bad taste in your mouth. The build-up of plaque provides bacteria with sustenance, and they release toxins that have a foul smell and irritate the gums and teeth.
  • Receding or shrinking gums. 
  • Teeth sensitivity to temperature. This occurs as the gums recede and shrink, thus exposing a sensitive part of the teeth called the dentin.
  • Shifting or wiggling teeth. Since advanced gum disease attacks the bone that holds teeth in place, it can loosen the roots’ hold on the jawbone. This causes them to shift slightly, and it can even change the way your teeth fit when you bite.
  • Pus at the gum line.

As we’ve seen, gum disease is a precursor to a more serious condition that can severely impact your teeth and gums and may require more invasive treatments to save your teeth. The silver lining is that the condition is very easily preventable, it just requires commitment and diligence, says Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA. Let’s look at some of the ways you can actively avoid gum disease.

How do I Prevent Gum Disease?

Dental conditions like gum disease are caused when you neglect to take proper care of your teeth and gums. The food particles that remain on your teeth and gums provide the bacteria in your mouth with plenty of nourishment, especially sugar and carbohydrates. They feed on these remains, releasing corrosive toxins into your mouth and resulting in the build-up of plaque between the gums and teeth. The longer this harmful film of plaque and bacteria is left there, the more time they have to harden into tartar under the gum line, causing damage to your gums and, eventually, your jawbone.

The experts at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs say the best defense you can have against gum disease is a diligent and thorough oral hygiene routine.

  • Brush your teeth after each meal. This removes food debris and plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. Don’t forget to clean your tongue as it is a preferred breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Floss at least once a day. This will remove the food particles and plaque between your teeth and gum line that your toothbrush can’t reach. 
  • Rinse your mouth twice a day with an ADA-Accepted mouthwash. They have been clinically proven to prevent and reduce gingivitis.
  • See your dentist Colorado Springs CO regularly. Routine checks will enable your dentist in Colorado Springs to catch the condition in time. Additionally, if you experience any of the symptoms described above, such as bleeding, tender or receding gums, loose teeth, or persistent bad breath, seek emergency dental care in Colorado Springs.
  • Avoid smoking. According to Dr. Boals, a cosmetic dentist in Colorado, smokers are three to six times more likely to develop gum disease. Smoking inhibits saliva production, making it easier for bacteria to stick to the tooth and gums and develop into plaque and tartar.
  • Watch your diet. Avoid sugar as much as you can, and drink plenty of water to rinse out your mouth.

Treating Gum Disease

Gum disease is relatively easy to treat if it is caught early. Your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, will look at the extent of your infection before deciding on the best treatment. Deep cleaning, which goes under the gum line, can be used to remove plaque build-up between your teeth and gums, and they can remove the tartar both above and below the gum line through scaling. There are also a variety of medications that can be used to get rid of bacteria and reduce the infection. However, if the infection is advanced, you may require a tooth extraction in Colorado Springs.

While gum disease is treatable, Dr. Boals says that ultimately, prevention is better than cure. Brush and floss after every meal, drink plenty of water and avoid smoking to keep your teeth and gums in top shape. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described above, contact the best dentists in Colorado Springs at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a consultation.

Benefits of Filler Injections

Benefits of fillers - Dr. Boals

Benefits of Filler Injections

Growing older may be inevitable, but many of us don’t like seeing the signs of aging. Time slowly wears down the body and the skin. Your face will be one of the first places you’ll notice wrinkles. There are tons of wrinkle and anti-aging creams out there, but in the past few years, more men and women have gravitated towards non-surgical anti-aging treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers, says Dr. Boals, a dentist in Colorado Springs. In this article, the team at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry shares the biggest benefits of filler injections. 

Botox and Dermal Fillers

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), Botox and dermal fillers are quite popular, accounting for more than 9 million procedures in 2015. Botox is a purified form of botulinum, a toxin that is obtained from bacteria. Although deadly in fatal amounts, the tiny dose administered by Dr. Boals is safe and effective.

Once injected into the muscle, the toxin blocks nerve signals, temporarily freezing or paralyzing the muscle. As there is little to no movement in the muscle, wrinkles may be softened, reduced, or even removed. Botox can only work on wrinkles that are caused by muscle movement, known as dynamic wrinkles or expression lines. These include the wrinkles on the upper face, horizontal lines on the forehead, and crow’s feet around the eyes. They are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are substances injected beneath the surface of your skin to add volume and fullness. 

Fillers are commonly used for: 

  • Plumping up thinning lips
  • Enhancing or fill in shallow areas on the face
  • Fill in or soften the recessed scars
  • Decrease or remove shadows or wrinkles under the eyes. 

Most dermal fillers on the market include either of the following substances:

  • Hyaluronic acid. It is found in some fluids and tissues that add plumpness to the skin.
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite, a mineral-like compound present in bones.
  • Polyalkylimide, a bio-compatible transparent gel.
  • Polylactic acid which stimulates the skin to produce more collagen.
  • Polymethyl-methacrylate micro-spheres (PMMA), which is a semi-permanent filler. 

What are the Benefits of Filler Injections?

Filler injections have become incredibly popular over the past few years, and for a good reason, says Dr. Boals, a cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs. They are a relatively hassle-free way to remove wrinkles and fine lines to knock a couple of years from your face. So how do filler injections compare to other anti-aging treatments?

  • Fillers don’t require any downtime. Like we’ve said, getting filler injections is a quick and easy procedure, and you don’t have to rest for an extended period afterward. For instance, let’s say you book an appointment at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for the best Botox in Colorado Springs. Once the doctor is done with the procedure, you can walk out of the clinic on your own and drive home. You may experience some swelling for up to two days, but it will be barely noticeable.
  • Fillers offer quick results. 
  • Fillers carry little to no risks. Although there are a few mild side effects that usually dissipate, filler injections are generally risk-free. You may experience prolonged redness, swelling, and mild bruising near the injection site, but these side effects will gradually disappear. Our friend, Dr. Kristina Neda, a botox dentist in Georgetown, KY, advises patients to discuss any allergies with their doctor so they can choose the brand of filler injection that suits you most.
  • Fillers replenish facial volume and fill out wrinkles.
  • Fillers can last up to 18 months. 

Contact Us! 

Note that filler injections cannot remove lax skin and excess fat. You’ll have to opt for more advanced surgical procedures for these outcomes. However, if you’re looking to fill out your face and smooth out wrinkles in the short term, filler injections are the way to go. Contact Dr. Boals at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today for the best Botox and fillers in Colorado Springs

Ways to Restore Your Smile

ways to restore your smile -Dr. Boals

Ways to Restore Your Smile

A healthy set of teeth allows you to chew and speak properly, but it also allows you to talk and smile with confidence. Although dentistry has been around for a long time, the past few decades have seen advancements in technology that have allowed dentists to perform the most complex dental procedures with great success. 

These advances have led to a boom in cosmetic and restorative dentistry. A beautiful smile will give you more confidence! There are tons of cosmetic dentists in Colorado who would be happy to help you achieve the smile of your dreams. According to dental health professionals at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs CO, being well informed and knowing all your options will allow you to make the right choice. To find out which treatment option is best for you, contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for a virtual consultation

Dental Implants and Crowns

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. So, there’s no surprise why dental implants are among the most popular treatments. Dental implants are titanium screws that are surgically placed into the jawbone where a missing tooth would be. Once the titanium screw is implanted, your dentist in Colorado Springs CO will mount a replacement crown onto it.

Dental implants have a longer lifespan than alternative treatments like dental bridges and partial dentures. Dr. Cody Boals has extensive experience with dental implants. If you’re a patient who lives in Mountain Shadows, Old Colorado, Fillmore, or Colorado Springs, you can count on Dr. Boals to restore your smile.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to close or bridge gaps in your smile caused by missing teeth. The false tooth or teeth used to fill the gap are held in place by the abutment teeth on either side of the gap. The false tooth or pontic is usually made from porcelain to aesthetically blend in with your teeth. If you’re looking to restore your smile, dental bridges are a quick and affordable option. 

Root Canals

In Colorado Springs or elsewhere, root canal therapy is usually used to repair and save badly decayed or infected teeth. It is a treatment designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, which houses the nerves and pulp and prevents reinfection of the tooth. During this procedure, the nerves and pulp are removed, and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed by your CO Springs dentist. The pulp is a soft tissue beneath the outer enamel and dentin, and it contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. Although a fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp, it uses the nerves in the pulp for temperature detection.

Dr. David Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, adds that you may need a root canal if you experience severe pain while chewing or biting. Have pimples on the gums, a chipped or cracked tooth, swollen or tender gums, or lingering sensitivity to hot or cold. The complexity of the procedure depends on the severity of the infection, so make sure you seek emergency dental care in Colorado Springs if you notice any of these symptoms.


These are prosthetic devices used to replace missing teeth. Some dentures can be removed and put back in your mouth, held in place and supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of your mouth. There are two types of dentures: 

  • Complete dentures are broken into conventional dentures that are made after the teeth have been removed and the gum has started healing. They can be placed into the mouth 8-12 weeks after the teeth have been removed. Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be used as soon as the teeth are removed.
  • Partial dentures are used when there are one or more natural teeth left in the upper or lower jaw. Partials consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Partials may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to the teeth or precision attachments that are more aesthetic.

There are numerous ways to restore your smile and give you strong, healthy teeth. Whether it’s through dental implants, dental bridges, root canals, or dentures, Colorado Springs dentist Dr. Boals is glad to help. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today for a consultation.

UMR Dentist Colorado Springs

UMR Dentist Near You Colorado Springs - Dr. Boals

UMR Dentist Colorado Springs

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is your UMR Dentist Colorado Springs. We accept many forms of payment and are happy to accept UMR insurance as a part of your payment plan. Our staff is happy to answer your questions regarding UMR coverage for the treatment options that we offer.


Welcome to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs! Our team feels honored to provide quality, compassionate dental care for patients in Colorado Springs. We strive to build lasting relationships with our Colorado Springs dental patients by offering honest guidance and conservative dental care. This means Dr. Boals takes the time to listen to your needs and only suggests necessary treatments for you and your family. If you’re looking for a friendly dentist in Colorado Springs, call us today to schedule an appointment!


Dr. Boals knew from a young age that he wanted to work in healthcare because he understood how rewarding it would be to help patients live healthy lives. After observing his own family dentist, he realized that a career in dentistry would combine science and art, as well as give him the opportunity to grow meaningful relationships with patients.

‍Dr. Boals earned his Masters of Biomedical Science and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees at Midwestern University in Illinois. Now that he has opened his own practice, he’s proud to be able to provide compassionate care for patients in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.

Humana Dentist Colorado Springs

We Accept Humana Dental Insurance - Dr. Boals

Humana Dentist Colorado Springs

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is your Humana Dentist Colorado Springs. We accept many forms of payment and are happy to accept Anthem insurance as a part of your payment plan. Our staff is happy to answer your questions regarding Anthem’s coverage for the treatment options that we offer.‍


Welcome to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs! Our team feels honored to provide quality, compassionate dental care for patients in Colorado Springs. We strive to build lasting relationships with our Colorado Springs dental patients by offering honest guidance and conservative dental care. This means Dr. Boals takes the time to listen to your needs and only suggests necessary treatments for you and your family. If you’re looking for a friendly dentist in Colorado Springs, call us today to schedule an appointment!


‍Dr. Boals knew from a young age that he wanted to work in healthcare because he understood how rewarding it would be to help patients live healthy lives. After observing his own family dentist, he realized that a career in dentistry would combine science and art, as well as give him the opportunity to grow meaningful relationships with patients.

Dentist Colorad Springs - Dr. Boals

Dr. Boals earned his Masters of Biomedical Science and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees at Midwestern University in Illinois. Now that he has opened his own practice, he’s proud to be able to provide compassionate care for patients in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.

Cigna Dentist Near You Colorado Springs

Cigna Dentist Near You Colorado Springs -Dr. Boals

Cigna Dentist Near You Colorado Springs

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is your Cigna Dentist Colorado Springs. We accept many forms of payment and are happy to accept Cigna insurance as a part of your payment plan. Our staff is happy to answer your questions regarding Cigna coverage for the treatment options that we offer.


Welcome to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs! Our team feels honored to provide quality, compassionate dental care for patients in Colorado Springs. We strive to build lasting relationships with our Colorado Springs dental patients by offering honest guidance and conservative dental care. This means Dr. Boals takes the time to listen to your needs and only suggests necessary treatments for you and your family. If you’re looking for a friendly dentist in Colorado Springs, call us today to schedule an appointment!


Dr. Boals knew from a young age that he wanted to work in healthcare because he understood how rewarding it would be to help patients live healthy lives. After observing his own family dentist, he realized that a career in dentistry would combine science and art, as well as give him the opportunity to grow meaningful relationships with patients.

Dr. Boals earned his Masters of Biomedical Science and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees at Midwestern University in Illinois. Now that he has opened his own practice, he’s proud to be able to provide compassionate care for patients in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.

Ameritas Dentist Near You Colorado Springs

Ameritas Dentist Near You Colorado Springs - Dr. Boals

Ameritas Dentist Near You Colorado Springs

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is your Ameritas Dentist Colorado Springs. We accept many forms of payment and are happy to accept Ameritas insurance as a part of your payment plan. Our staff is happy to answer your questions regarding Ameritas coverage for the treatment options that we offer.


Welcome to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs! Our team feels honored to provide quality, compassionate dental care for patients in Colorado Springs. We strive to build lasting relationships with our Colorado Springs dental patients by offering honest guidance and conservative dental care. This means Dr. Boals takes the time to listen to your needs and only suggests necessary treatments for you and your family. If you’re looking for a friendly dentist in Colorado Springs, call us today to schedule an appointment!


Dr. Boals knew from a young age that he wanted to work in healthcare because he understood how rewarding it would be to help patients live healthy lives. After observing his own family dentist, he realized that a career in dentistry would combine science and art, as well as give him the opportunity to grow meaningful relationships with patients.

Dr. Boals earned his Masters of Biomedical Science and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees at Midwestern University in Illinois. Now that he has opened his own practice, he’s proud to be able to provide compassionate care for patients in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.

Anthem Dentist Colorado Springs

Anthem Dentist Near You Colorado Springs - Dr. Boals

Anthem Dentist Colorado Springs

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is your Anthem Dentist Colorado Springs. We accept many forms of payment and are happy to accept Anthem insurance as a part of your payment plan. Our staff is happy to answer your questions regarding Anthem’s coverage for the treatment options that we offer.


Welcome to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs! Our team feels honored to provide quality, compassionate dental care for patients in Colorado Springs. We strive to build lasting relationships with our Colorado Springs dental patients by offering honest guidance and conservative dental care. This means Dr. Boals takes the time to listen to your needs and only suggests necessary treatments for you and your family. If you’re looking for a friendly dentist in Colorado Springs, call us today to schedule an appointment!



Dr. Boals knew from a young age that he wanted to work in healthcare because he understood how rewarding it would be to help patients live healthy lives. After observing his own family dentist, he realized that a career in dentistry would combine science and art, as well as give him the opportunity to grow meaningful relationships with patients.

Dr. Boals earned his Masters of Biomedical Science and his Doctor of Dental Medicine degrees at Midwestern University in Illinois. Now that he has opened his own practice, he’s proud to be able to provide compassionate care for patients in Colorado Springs and surrounding areas.