Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

What Dental Health Issues Can Be Solved With Cosmetic Dentistry - Dr. Boals

Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry offers cosmetic dentistry solutions. If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry in Kissing Camels or Garden of the Gods, but you’re not sure what can be corrected with cosmetic care, you’re in the right place. In this blog from Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we’ll discuss a few of the dental problems that can be solved with common cosmetic dentistry treatments. Let’s get started now.

1. Gaps Between Your Teeth

Large gaps and spaces between your teeth can make your smile look less appealing. Cosmetic dentistry treatments like dental bonding and veneers can be used to fill in these spaces, and provide you with a more even, beautiful smile. 

However, not all gaps can be treated with cosmetic treatments says dental veneers St. Petersburg dentist, Dr. Brian Leeson. Very large gaps may need to be closed with orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign, before you can have them corrected with cosmetic dentistry.

2. Slightly Crooked Or Misaligned Teeth

If you have slight issues with your teeth alignment, or your teeth are slightly crooked, it may be possible to correct your smile using veneers or dental bonding with enameloplasty (shaping & contouring). 

Again, though, this is only an option for very slight issues with the position of your teeth. If you have a lot of crooked teeth, a treatment like Invisalign Colorado Springs will be required before you can get cosmetic care.

3. Minor Teeth Chipping

If your teeth have minor chips or wear & tear, cosmetic dentistry is a good option for you. Dental bonding and enameloplasty can be used together to smooth out chips and reshape your teeth, or veneers may be recommended for larger chips.

However, cosmetic treatment is not recommended for large chips or damaged teeth, which may need to be restored with a dental crown. At your consultation, Dr. Cody Boals will let you know which treatment is right for your needs. 

4. Stained & Yellowed Teeth

The best way to treat stained and yellowed teeth is with teeth whitening. Using chemical whiteners, Dr. Boals can remove most surface stains from your teeth, and restore your smile to its natural, white appearance.

For severe and deep staining or internal stains, however, teeth whitening may not be appropriate. In these cases, an alternative treatment like dental bonding, veneers, or cosmetic crowns may be recommended.

5. Uneven Or Misshapen Teeth 

If you have just a few uneven or misshapen teeth, dental bonding is usually the best way to reshape and restore them, and provide you with a better smile. Veneers may also be recommended if you have many uneven or misshapen teeth, and you want a more durable, long-lasting method of smile correction.

Treat These Dental Health Issues With Cosmetic Dentistry At Our Office!

All of the above dental health issues are completely treatable with fast, non-invasive cosmetic dentistry at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry. So if you’re self-conscious about your appearance due to any of the above dental problems, don’t wait. Contact us online or give us a call at (719) 301-6604 to schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Cody Boals, and get the help you need.

What’s the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

What’s the Best Way to Whiten Teeth - Dr. Boals

What’s the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry in Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods, Manitou Springs or Centennial, you may be wondering about the best way to whiten your teeth. Should you see a professional like Dr. Cody Boals at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry? Or should you try an OTC (Over-The-Counter) whitening kit?

Are OTC Products as Good as Professional Whitening?

In general, OTC products do not deliver as good of results as professional whitening. Over-the-counter products are not customized to your mouth. The trays, strips, and whitening products are all “one-size-fits-all.” Whether you have minor staining or serious stains, you’ll get the same level of whitening power. This is not true of professional whitening. Dr. Boals can customize your treatment and your level of whitening to provide you with optimal results. 

In addition, most ADA-approved whitening products like Crest Whitestrips, generally have relatively low concentrations of the whitening compound. This means they will take a lot more time to provide the same results as professional treatments.

Also, some OTC kits that are not ADA-approved, particularly those available on the internet, have a dangerously high level of whitener. This can harm both your gums and your teeth if you attempt to treat yourself with OTC whitening explains Easton PA teeth whitening specialist, Dr. Dave Moghadam. 

There are also some OTC products out there that simply don’t work, or are harmful for your teeth. Charcoal toothpaste is a good example. It claims to “whiten” your teeth, but it’s a harsh abrasive, and will permanently damage your enamel if you use it regularly. It’s completely ineffective, and dangerous for your oral health. 

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is versatile, safe, and can address issues that OTC products cannot treat.

  • Even, complete whitening – Many OTC products only whiten your front teeth (incisors and canines). These are the most highly-visible teeth and the most prone to staining. However, professional whitening also helps remove stains from your rear teeth and provides you with more even, complete coverage.

  • Faster results – In-office whitening at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry can restore your smile by up to 5 shades or more in just one appointment, and take-home treatments provide the same results in about 2-3 weeks of daily, hour-long treatment sessions. Most OTC products take much longer to deliver similar results.

  • Safer with fewer side effects – Getting your teeth whitened by a dentist ensures that you do not have to worry about issues like excessive tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, or accidentally over-whitening your teeth, which can make them chalky and brittle. In contrast, DIY whitening with OTC products means you’re at a higher risk of these side effects and complications.

Want a Brighter Smile? Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Cody Boals Now! 

Are you located in Mountain Shadows, Old Colorado City, or Fillmore and ready to explore teeth whitening? Come to Kissing Camels Family Dentistry right away. As an experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Cody Boals is here to help. Contact us at (719) 301-6604, or stop by our office at 3470 Centennial Blvd, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 to get started. 

4 Reasons to Invest in Your Smile

4 Reasons To Invest In Your Smile - Dr. Boals

4 Reasons to Invest in Your Smile

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, Dr. Boals is an expert cosmetic dentist & explains four reasons to invest in your smile. For example, if your teeth are stained, crooked, gapped, or have been damaged.

At our practice, our cosmetic dentist Colorado Springs specializes in comprehensive smile makeovers. We serve Garden of the Gods, West Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, and the surrounding areas. From simple cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening, to advanced dental surgeries like dental implants, Dr. Boals can do it all.

Wondering if a cosmetic makeover is right for you? Here are four reasons to invest in your smile and get cosmetic treatment from Kissing Camels Family Dentistry:

1. You Feel Embarrassed Or Self-Conscious In Everyday Situations

Your teeth are front-and-center when you’re laughing, smiling, and eating. If you find yourself avoiding social situations where you may smile in front of others, or you’re hiding your teeth because you feel self-conscious, a cosmetic makeover could be life-changing for you.

You shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about your teeth. With the right cosmetic treatments, you can quickly restore your smile, and become more confident says Ben Kacos, a cosmetic dentist in Shreveport LA. You won’t have to feel embarrassed during normal day-to-day activities, such as going out to eat with coworkers or smiling for a family photo.

2. You’ll Be Attending a Special Event Soon

Whether you’re getting married, attending someone else’s wedding, or you have a big conference or business presentation coming up, this is the perfect opportunity to invest in your smile. It’s been found that smiling can actually make you feel more confident. By investing in a bright and beautiful smile before a major event, you’ll be confident on your big day!  

3. You Want To Look Younger

A bright, bold, and brilliant smile can work wonders for the rest of your face, particularly if you want to look younger. This is because, as we age, our teeth tend to naturally become a bit yellow and stained.

By using cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening, veneers, and dental bonding to eliminate these issues, you can restore your smile and rejuvenate the rest of your face.

4. You’re Recovering From A Serious Oral Health Condition

If you’ve had struggles with oral health problems such as bruxism (teeth grinding), periodontal (gum) disease, and tooth decay, and your teeth have become damaged or stained due to this condition, this may be the perfect time to invest in a cosmetic makeover.

Dr. Boals can use restorative treatments, such as porcelain crowns and dental implants, alongside other treatments like teeth whitening and bonding. This ensures that your mouth is restored to health and that any cosmetic issues caused by your oral health condition are treated properly.

Schedule A Cosmetic Consultation At Kissing Camels Dentistry To Get Started

Interested in cosmetic makeovers in Centennial, Fillmore, Old Colorado City, or Mountain Shadows? Come see Dr. Boals today! At your consultation, he will discuss all of your options for a truly comprehensive smile makeover and design a program that will help you meet your goals.

Ready to get started? Contact us now at (719) 301-6604, or stop by our office at 3470 Centennial Blvd, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 for more information.

How to Improve Your Smile for the Holidays

how to improve your smile Colorado Springs CO

How to Improve Your Smile for the Holidays

Improve Your Smile

The holidays are a time to get together with friends and family to celebrate. You may find yourself disguising your grin in family pictures this time of year. Your Colorado Springs Dentist wants you to know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. Many individuals are dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth, whether they are crooked, discolored, or missing. Dr. Boals, dentist in Colorado Springs, wants to fix that. Here are tips to improve your smile for the holidays.

Tips for a Healthy Holiday Smile

You shouldn’t feel compelled to conceal your grin. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, dentist 80907, fortunately, provides a comprehensive range of dental treatments. Your dentist Colorado Springs, Dr. Johnson, explains how to enhance your smile for the holidays below.

1. Dental Exam & Teeth Cleaning

Every year, patients visit our office in a rush to improve their smiles for holiday festivities. You’d be surprised how effective a simple professional dental exam and dental cleaning can be. Our hygienists will remove any built-up tartar and thoroughly clean your teeth to be sparkly clean. Dr. Boals recommends getting a professional cleaning before you start cosmetic treatments such as professional teeth whitenings. This will ensure that your teeth are plaque-free. Dental cleanings are typically covered by dental insurance. So, don’t forget to use your dental benefits before they expire at the end of the year! 

2. Fill Cavities & Replace Silver Fillings

When you see your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO for dental fillings. They will likely fill the cavity with tooth-colored composite material. This type of filling will blend naturally with your teeth, so no one will know that you have fillings. If you still have silver fillings, talk to your dentist about replacing them with tooth-colored fillings. 

3. Fix Any Tooth Cracks or Chips

Tooth chips and cracks can easily be fixed with some of the following restorative dentistry solutions: porcelain veneers, dental bonding, dental crowns, and more. In order to transform your overall smile, your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, will assess you for a smile makeover. During this evaluation, they will determine which treatment is best for you. Dr. O’Grady, a Denver Highlands Dentist, says that porcelain veneers are one of the most common ways to hide broken, discolored, misshaped teeth. This is done by placing shells over your existing teeth, almost like a shoe over your teeth. Smile makeovers with porcelain veneers often have the biggest transformations for our patients.

4. Professional Teeth Whitening

The quickest way to improve your smile is by professional teeth whitening treatment. Get rid of stubborn stains and improve the overall look of your smile with our in-office or take-home teeth whitening services. Our in-office teeth whitening provides instant results. Go up to 10 shades lighter with our professional-grade whitening gel. Treatment only takes a few hours. Our take-home teeth whitening kits are perfect for those who want to gradually whiten their smile in the comfort of their own home. The treatment takes a few days to see significant results. Professional teeth whitening is a must before big family events!

5. Replace Missing Teeth

It is essential that missing teeth are replaced as quickly as possible. Not only will missing teeth bring down your self-confidence, but it also puts yourself at risk for dental complications. Eventually, your remaining teeth will shift to fill the gap. Since there is an absence of stimulation from the area, your jaw bone will degrade over time. Inevitably, this will affect your facial shape and the way you eat and speak. The best way to replace a missing tooth is with dental implants, but we also offer dental crowns, dental bridges, and dentures. 

Now that you know how to improve your smile for the holidays, give Kissing Camels Family Dentistry a call. We are happy to schedule you for a consultation. Let’s start off the holidays right with a bright, beautiful smile!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December, 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Use Your Dental Benefits

Use your dental benefits - Dr. Boals

Use Your Dental Benefits

Studies have shown that people who have dental benefits are 58% more likely to visit their dentists, which results in better oral health. Additionally, people who have very good oral health were found to be two times as likely to have great physical well-being. The following are ways we at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry recommend to maximize your dental benefits before the year ends.

Good Oral Health May Keep You Healthy

Did you know that your overall health is connected to your oral health? Studies have shown that gum disease is linked to various health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. As a matter of fact, there are about 120 illnesses that can be detected by your Colorado Springs dentist during a dental exam. Making sure to have at least two dental visits in a year, every six months, may help detect any serious conditions. When these conditions are caught early on, you’re able to start treatment that much faster.

It should be noted that if you do have any other oral health issues, you should visit your Colorado Springs dentist for an evaluation. 

Get Preventive Care 

If you have not visited your 80920 dentist all year but may have concerns about your health, take action by visiting the dentist. This allows your dentist to spot and treat oral health issues that might occur early. This will save you from expenses and pain down the line. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry in Colorado Springs, CO to address any dental concerns that you may have and improve your oral health.

Visiting your dentist for any issues may make having dental insurance worth it. Most dental plans cover preventative care such X-rays and exams, as well as cleanings, at little or no cost to you. Any benefits you do not use by the end of the year expire. So, don’t waste your dental benefits!

Preventative dental care will save you a lot of money in the long run. So, if you do not have preventative care, consider purchasing a plan with a well-known insurance provider.

Visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry to Save Your Money

As we all know, you should always make sure that your dentist is a licensed practitioner. Visiting our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO ensures you get quality and affordable care

Utilize Your Flexible Spending Account Dollars for all Your Dental Expenses 

Employers may provide Flexible Spending Accounts to patients to help them with medical bills. Below, our Colorado Springs CO dentist shares a few facts concerning FSAs that you should be aware of:

Your FSA balance covers most dental procedures (anything that prevents or treats a disease). This includes teeth extractions, cleanings, and fillings. Sadly, teeth whitening, which is a cosmetic procedure, might not be eligible. But if you would like to get your teeth whitened, give your cosmetic dentist in Colorado Springs a call. The good news is you can cover your out-of-pocket expenses for adult or child orthodontics using your FSA account. 

Unlike HSA (Health Savings Account) balances, FSA balances do not turn over, meaning that you must make sure you have used your benefits within the contribution year. Many plans have a 2 to 3 month grace period. However, many participants usually lose their unused money in their FSAs at year’s end in December. Please ensure that you ask your policy administrator for all the details on your policy and plan all your future dental and medical appointments accordingly. 

In addition to this, an FSA decreases your taxable income, and you can use that money for other health expenses. It also increases the amount you take home, so you gain more control over your family budget and a significant tax savings amount. Thus, Dr. Boals, the best dentist in Colorado Springs, explains that this allows you more room to plan for various expenses in the future.

Your Plan Benefits Reset in January

As the year comes to an end, you should review your dental plan to find out what is covered under it, the remaining amount, and when the benefits begin anew. Generally, dental plans cap the annual coverage limit and are done either by plan year or calendar year. If your benefits are by calendar year, they will automatically renew on January 1. This means that you will have to pay your deductible again after the 1st of every year. Also, your annual maximum will also be renewed at the start of your dental plan year, depending on your plan. If you did not visit your Colorado Springs dentist in the prior year, you may end up losing part of your maximum allocation.  

Additionally, our friends at New Providence Family Dentistry, New Providence NJ dentist explain if you had not used up your plan and may need treatment, make sure to take care of the issue before your plan renews on January 1. This applies to follow-up work as well. This will ensure that when your plan resets, you won’t use up a lot of the new year’s coverage.  

We recommend that you ensure you fully utilize your dental benefits before year’s end and schedule a visit with the best dentist in Colorado Springs. Start your new year with a healthy smile, more money in your pocket, and better overall health. If you’d like to know more about how you can make the most out of your dental benefits, contact your dentist at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2020  and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.