Dental Implant Process


Dental Implant Process

Breakdown of the Dental Implant Process

Kissing Camels Family Dentistry offers a variety of restorative dentistry options. Each treatment can help improve your overall quality of life, giving you the self-esteem and confidence boost. By starting treatment, you are taking the necessary steps to improve your oral health and prevent gum disease. If you’re looking to improve your smile, our Colorado Springs dentists may recommend dental implants as a solution. Below, Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson discuss the dental implant process

The following are the steps in a dental implant procedure:

  • Dental Implant Consultation
  • Professional Dental Exam
  • Dental Implant Placement

Dental Implant Consultation 

Your tooth replacement treatment will depend on the number of missing teeth. If you are missing all of your teeth or want to replace your dentures, dental implants may be a good option for you. Kissing Camels Family Dentistry offers virtual dental consultations for their patients. So, you can do your initial consultation online without having to leave the comfort of your own home! It’s super fast and simple. Our Colorado Springs dentists will let you know their recommended treatment plan. From there, you can schedule your next visit at our dental office in Colorado Springs, CO.

Professional Dental Examination

Before starting treatment, we’ll need to see you for a professional dental examination. During this visit, we may take scans or x-rays of your teeth. Dental implants actually require good bone structure. If you’d like to learn more, read our article Are Dental Implants for Me?  Of course, we want the best for your smile, which is why we’ll also show you a 3D model of what your smile will look like after treatment. We’ll walk you through every step of the exam, so you understand what we’re doing and why.

Dental Implant Placement Process

When you visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for dental implant treatment, you can be confident that you will receive the best possible care. First, we’ll make you feel more at ease by utilizing one of our sleep dentistry options. We will extract any teeth that are necessary prior to implant placement if necessary. After those teeth are extracted, we will use a painless surgical approach to insert dental implants in the jawbone and then join the restorations to the implants with a connector called an abutment.

Traditional Dental Implant Placement

In other cases, you and your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may decide that a more traditional method of implant placement is preferable. During a typical operation, the freshly inserted implants are left alone for a few months to allow the surrounding bone and soft tissue to recover. During the healing period, the bone grows, and the tissue shapes around the implants to build a strong biological link. Meanwhile, we’ll attach temporary teeth to the implants, so you don’t have to leave the office toothless. 

This six-month interval will allow your jaw to heal and your dentist to design the permanent implant-supported bridge. Don’t worry, says Dr. Dave Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, your temporary teeth will still look and feel like your natural teeth. After you’ve healed, you’ll get your permanent teeth placed. Following the necessary bone remodeling/healing phase, we will attach to each implant a little connecting post known as an abutment. These abutments will support your temporary teeth and, eventually, your permanent replacement teeth.

Permanent Replacement Teeth Manufacturing

Our implant specialists collaborate directly with a well-equipped dental lab to create both your temporary and permanent teeth. We’ll take impressions of your new implants and implant abutments before fabricating your replacement teeth and the underlying components that will be linked to the implants. Furthermore, our dentists in Colorado Springs can assist you in selecting the perfect shade for your new smile. Depending on the treatment selection, the number of lost teeth, and the type of replacement teeth, this surgery can be performed on the same day as the implant procedure or one to two weeks later. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry for more information about our dental implant services in Colorado Springs, CO