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Gentle Tooth Extractions

Gentle Tooth Extractions in Colorado Springs

To begin, tooth extractions are a dental operation that is carried out when one or more teeth must be extracted from the mouth. In fact, the majority of teeth pulled are those that are irreparably damaged, as our dentist Colorado Springs will always try to save your natural tooth. However, if you need gentle tooth extractions in Colorado Springs, we’re here to help. 

What Are the Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction?

Below, our Colorado Springs CO dentist shares the common reasons for a tooth extraction. 


Overcrowding may necessitate the extraction of one or more teeth in order for the remaining teeth to grow properly. During treatment, a tooth (or many teeth) may need to be extracted in order to straighten up the rest of the teeth. Also, this can provide a way for them all to move into their proper positions.

Harm or Decay

One of the most common causes for tooth extraction is that the tooth has been damaged beyond the point where the emergency dental Colorado Springs can repair it. Then. extraction is frequently required. Oftentimes, an implant, bridge, or other device is inserted in the place of the missing tooth/teeth.

Replacement Required

If a tooth becomes chipped or cracked to the extent that it cannot be healed, it may need to be pulled. Our dentist in Colorado Springs explains that the tooth would then need to be replaced with an implant or a dental bridge.

Wisdom Teeth 

Wisdom teeth often emerge between the ages of 17 and 24. Not everyone is born with the bud structure that allows them to grow wisdom teeth. Some people may have up to four wisdom teeth. In fact, in the back of the mouth, one will develop behind each tooth. Sometimes they grow in crooked (interfering with the other teeth) or cause pain, swelling, or discomfort. Then, in this case, the teeth must be extracted.

These are the most common reasons for tooth extraction. In some situations, a tooth may need to be extracted for more than one of the reasons listed above. Generally, extracting the tooth is the last resort when nothing more can be done to save it.

Pain Management Options

After having a tooth extracted, you may experience discomfort and soreness. Our friend Dr. Dave, dentist Easton PA, explains that he will give you pain medication to assist you to deal with the discomfort.  Having the prescription filled and using the prescribed medicine dosage can significantly minimize. Also, you can take this medicine for your pain in the days following the procedure.

Additionally, to keep food particles from entering into the area where your tooth was extracted, avoid chewing hard foods near the extraction site. For example, eating softer foods like mashed potatoes or even macaroni and cheese for a few days will be beneficial. For several days, avoid hot/spicy foods as well as alcohol. Also, to help keep the region around the pulled tooth from becoming infected, rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of salt diluted in a cup.

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry For Gentle Tooth Extractions

As you can see, a patient may require a tooth extraction for a variety of reasons. It may also be required to remove teeth to make room for a full arch of dentures. Thus, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry’s Dr. Boals and Dr. Johnson have significant experience doing gentle extractions, so you’ll be in good hands. Contact our team today.