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Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we always do everything in our power to preserve your natural teeth. However, your dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, may recommend a tooth extraction if your tooth is severely decayed or damaged. If you just found out you need a tooth extraction, Dr. Cody Boal, a CO Springs dentist, shares everything you need to know about tooth extractions. 

Types of Tooth Extraction

At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we categorize tooth extractions into two distinct groups, as explained below.

Simple Extractions

When the tooth being extracted is visible inside the mouth, we call this a simple tooth extraction. Tooth extractions in Colorado Springs begin by numbing the targeted tooth and its surrounding tissue so that you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the extraction process. Thereafter, Dr. Boals will extract the tooth. You should never feel any pain during your tooth extraction. So when you visit Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, you will have nothing to worry about!

Surgical Tooth Extraction

A surgical tooth extraction procedure is performed to remove teeth that haven’t erupted or have broken beneath the gum line. Dr. Boals can perform a surgical extraction or refer your case to an oral surgeon if necessary. To extract the tooth, your Colorado Springs dentist will make a small incision in the gum. The tooth may be removed in one piece or cut the tooth into two or more pieces before removing one segment at a time.

When Would I Need Tooth Extraction?

Many reasons may necessitate a tooth extraction procedure, including the following:

  • Badly decayed teeth
  • Delay by baby teeth to fall out so that permanent teeth can erupt
  • Dental infections that destroy most of a tooth or the surrounding bone
  • Extra teeth blocking some teeth from emerging normally
  • Orthodontic treatment (braces, for example) necessitating tooth extraction
  • Severe tooth damage that can’t be fixed with crowns and other restorative procedures
  • Wisdom teeth predicted to cause problems in the future may be removed

What Happens Before Tooth Extraction?

Before your tooth is removed, Dr. Boals will review your dental and medical history in addition to taking dental X-rays. The X-rays give your dentist in Colorado Springs vital information about the shape, length, and position of the tooth so that an appropriate plan can be made for the extraction process. If this review reveals that the procedure will be a complex one, Dr. Boals may refer you to a specialist. 

What Happens During the Tooth Removal?

Before the tooth is extracted, Dr. Boals will administer local anesthetic (for simple tooth extractions) or IV sedation in the case of surgical extractions. As a precautionary measure, you will need a friend or family member to drive you home once the procedure is over. This person should accompany you until the anesthesia wears off.

Once the sedative starts working, the team at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry will proceed to extract the tooth in the manner described earlier for simple extractions and surgical removal.

After the Tooth Extraction

Dr. Boals emphasizes that this is the most important phase of the procedure. It is vital that you follow the instructions given at our Colorado Springs dental office. We asked our friend Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker CO, for recommendations to keep in mind after the tooth extraction:

  • Bite down on a piece of gauze as instructed so that a clot can form and bleeding stops.
  • Don’t smoke, clean the nearby teeth or rinse your mouth vigorously within the first 24 hours after the tooth extraction.
  • Use an ice pack or take the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Boals. Your pain and discomfort should subside in a few days. If it worsens, call your Colorado Springs dentist immediately.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity, such as jogging or going to the gym, during the first few days after the tooth removal.
  • Don’t use a straw or drink any hot fluids since these can melt or dislodge the clot at the extraction site.

Whether this is your first tooth extraction or your tenth, it’s important to follow before and after instructions given by your Colorado Springs dentist. If you need a professional opinion about tooth extractions, we are more than happy to help!

Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions