Halloween Dental Health Tips

Dental Health Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Halloween Dental Health Tips

Halloween Dental Health Tips in 2021

It’s that time of year again! At Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, we love to celebrate Halloween just like the kids do. From the hilarious and spooky costumes to the festive Halloween decorations, parties, and going trick or treating of course. However, with all of this fun comes an influx of candy and other sweet treats. Halloween fun can soon turn into a scary dental emergency. The good news is that as your favorite dentist in Colorado Springs, we have found ample opportunities to turn that decay train right around and get back on track to good oral health. Our team at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry has some great Halloween dental health tips to ensure everyone enjoys the holiday.

Fill Those Hungry Bellies

It doesn’t matter how young or young at heart we are. If we’re hungry, we will typically choose something quick and easy. Sometimes this is a less than healthy choice. Even our best dentist in Colorado Springs is guilty of occasionally reaching for the less than healthy option! Enjoying a healthy meal right before going out trick or treating, or before going to enjoy other Halloween festivities, can make it less likely that candy and other sugary treats will be consumed in large quantities. 

If you’re hosting a small celebration, be sure to offer healthier alternatives to candy and other treats that could be considered less than healthy. Even fresh fruit, cheese, and crackers can be a good alternative.

If you have sugar-free sweet treats to set out at a party, Colorado Springs dentists will give a thumbs up to this healthier alternative.

Let the Kids Pick Out Their Favorite Halloween Treats

Everyone should be able to enjoy their Halloween. Depriving your children of the trick or treating experience and their haul’s enjoyment can make it much more likely that they will sneak more when you’re not looking. This could result in late-night snacking and un-brushed teeth. 

As a family dentist in Colorado Springs, we know that this is a truly spooky thought! Imagine, teeth going without brushing before bed, after those sticky, sugary treats… Moderation and balance is the key to a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. This also offers the opportunity to explain to your kids just how important it is to find that balance particularly, as it relates to limiting sugar due to the increased risk of cavities.

Allow your children to go through their Halloween candy haul and pick out their favorites. Dr. Beth Herko, a family dentist in New Providence, NJ recommends offering a candy exchange for a book or toy that you know they’ll love! You could also donate the candy that they don’t keep.

Skip any of those sticky and chewy sweet treats like gummies or caramels and even Tootsie Rolls. They can prove difficult to remove from teeth, and the stickiness causes them to linger on teeth. Be sure to avoid sour sweets, if possible. They are known for being incredibly acidic, leading to damage to tooth enamel and the potential for decay. As your dentist in Colorado Springs, we’ve seen our fair share of decay due to these treats. It’s even scarier than that zombie hanging on your front door!

Establish a Good Oral Hygiene Routine

There’s no better time than Halloween to encourage and establish an oral hygiene routine that will last a lifetime. Brushing and flossing is an essential part of maintaining oral wellness at any age. Your children should be brushing their teeth about 30 minutes after enjoying sugary treats, and of course, when they first wake up and before they turn in for the night.

Ensure that they are using a fluoride toothpaste and a mouthwash that has been made for children. This will encourage them to take better care of their teeth. A good oral hygiene routine is to visit your dentist in Colorado Springs for checkups and cleanings. Preventative dentistry is key, Dr. Boals says!

Parents and kids often ask what they can do to make brushing more of a routine. We like to think that the trick to avoid cavities is to make brushing and flossing fun. Let your kids pick out their toothbrushes. Perhaps a spinning brush with a favorite superhero on it. Let them pick out their favorite flavor in toothpaste. The more involved your children are with their dental wellness, the more they will take ownership of their teeth.

You can trust Kissing Camels Family Dentistry when you need dental services in Colorado Springs, CO. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see all of our spooky updates!


Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Signs of An Abscessed Tooth - Colorado Springs

Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

Most Common Signs of an Abscessed Tooth

One of the most common reasons people seek emergency dental care is because they have an abscessed tooth. If this dental problem isn’t treated right away, it can have serious consequences for both oral and overall health. Avoiding serious, long-term oral health issues starts with knowing the warning signs of an abscessed tooth. Please continue reading this article to learn more about a tooth infection or abscessed tooth.

More About a Tooth Abscess

As we mentioned above, an abscessed tooth is a serious and painful dental emergency. An abscess is a bacterial infection that produces pus. Additionally, it causes pain and swelling and must be treated right away. Blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue are all found in the tooth’s root, where the infection occurs. An abscess can form between the gum and the tooth as well, but this is rare.

Colorado Springs dentists explain that in the majority of cases, tooth abscesses are the result of advanced decay or damage to the tooth. Furthermore, this may be the result of an infected chipped or broken tooth, worn enamel that allows bacteria to enter the tooth, or an untreated dental cavity. Periodontal (gum) disease that is left untreated for a long time can lead to an abscess, especially if it has progressed to the advanced stage, which is called periodontitis. It is possible that the infection from the abscessed tooth could have reached nearby bone, which could result in tooth loss or even spread to other parts of the body when left untreated.

Signs You Might Have an Abscessed Tooth

If you have a tooth abscess, contact a Colorado Springs emergency dentist right away so that the infection does not spread. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may have a tooth abscess.

  • Pain is excruciating 
  • Fever
  • Swelling of the gums 
  • Redness of the gums
  • Soreness of the gums
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold drinks
  • Sore on the gums
  • Bad taste in your mouth

How to Treat a Tooth Abscess 

Tooth abscess treatment will be tailored to meet your individual requirements, but in most cases, a combination of the following treatments will be recommended by Dr. Cody Boals or Dr. Alexa Johnson.

Get Rid of the Extra Pus

Draining an abscessed or infected tooth is the most effective treatment. The pus can be drained by making a small incision in the abscess. The dentist may also debride the infected area and use saline to irrigate or wash it. Debridement is the process of removing diseased or dead tissue from an area of the body.

Take Directed Antibiotics

Draining an abscess isn’t always simple, and sometimes it isn’t even possible. Dental infections can counteract the effects of local anesthetics, making it difficult to completely sedate the patient before treatment. Lower molars infected with a serious infection are particularly difficult to numb. When this occurs, a patient must be given an antibiotic to help fight the infection so that local anesthetics will work properly. Our friend Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, says that patients won’t be able to undergo antibiotics until they’ve seen their dentist for a consultation first. Additionally, antibiotics are one of your best bets to fighting off a tooth infection.

Root Canal Therapy 

When the nerve, arterial and vein center of the tooth root is removed, a root canal is performed in the dentist’s office. A root canal can help remove infection and drain an abscess from a tooth that’s infected. The tooth is restored with a crown after the infection has healed in order to increase the tooth’s strength and prolong its life.

Tooth Extraction

If the infected tooth cannot be saved, the abscess will be drained, and the infection will be healed by extracting it to promote healing.

Is an Abscessed Tooth a Dental Emergency?

A tooth abscess necessitates immediate dental attention. If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, see a dentist right away. Abscesses, if left untreated, can cause infection to spread throughout the body, posing serious health risks. Taking care of these problems as soon as possible is crucial!

When to Contact a Colorado Springs Dentist

If you experience any of the above-mentioned signs of an abscessed tooth, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. We will do everything we can to accommodate you on the same day. Our dentists may even recommend that you come to the office after hours because of the risks of a tooth abscess. Take action as soon as you feel pain or an infection starting to spread. Seek assistance as soon as possible.

Our dentist in Colorado Springs, CO, at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry treats patients with dental emergencies on a daily basis. Patients with dental infections who are in pain can receive emergency dental care from us the same day. Many of our emergency dentistry patients are first-time visitors to our dental office, and we welcome them with open arms! Contact our Colorado Springs dental office right away if you need an emergency dentist.

What to Expect During a Root Canal

What to Expect During a Root Canal - Colorado Springs

What to Expect During a Root Canal

What to Expect During a Root Canal in Colorado Springs

Root canals really aren’t as bad as everyone thinks they are. In fact, root canals are the actual treatment for the pain caused by the tooth infection. If you’re getting nervous about your upcoming root canal therapy, consider reading the blog below where Dr. Cody Boals and Dr. Alexa Johnson discuss what to expect during a root canal. Please contact us if you need a Colorado Springs emergency dentist.

What Exactly Is a Root Canal?

Although most people have heard of root canals, not everyone understands what they are or why they are necessary. As we mentioned before, a root canal is used to treat a decaying or infected tooth. The damaged nerve and pulp are removed, and the inside of your tooth is completely cleaned and sealed. If you don’t receive a root canal and your tooth becomes infected, it might develop into a tooth abscess. Treatment is key to stopping the tooth infection. Patients who do not undergo treatment may experience face swelling, bone loss, pain, and tooth loss. 

What Happens During a Root Canal Treatment?

It is normal to be concerned before a dental procedure, especially if you are unfamiliar with the technique. From start to completion, here’s what to expect during a root canal:

Beginning Stage 

  • An x-ray of your tooth and gums is taken. Your Colorado Springs dentist examines the contour of your root canal and checks for bone infection.
  • A topical anesthetic is applied to your gums. This is mere to make you feel more at ease. Because the nerve in your tooth is likely to be dead, any pain should be mild.
  • To keep the region dry and prevent saliva from entering, a rubber dam is placed around your teeth.
  • To access the root canal, a hole will be bored into your tooth.

Clean-up Stage

  • Your dentist will remove the pulp, decaying nerve tissue, germs, and debris from the root canal. This is referred to as a pulpectomy.
  • Your tooth will be cleaned thoroughly by Dr. Boals or Dr. Johnson.
  • The following procedure is to close the root canal. This is frequently done on the same visit using sealer paste and a rubber compound. If you have an infection, it may be necessary to treat it first, which will necessitate a follow-up appointment for the sealer. In such a case, a temporary filling will be applied.
  • After the root canal has been sealed, a filling is placed in the access hole that was previously drilled.

Final Stage

  • Finally, this stae is normally performed several weeks after the initial root canal. Because your remaining tooth is likely weaker or decaying, it must be protected. A crown can be fitted over an existing tooth.
  • While a root canal is a frequent and perfectly safe procedure, you may want to discuss your alternatives to alleviate any anxieties or fears. Dental sedation can be as simple as breathing nitrous oxide while the operation is being performed, or you may choose to inquire about oral sedative options.

Following the Procedure

You should not feel any pain during root canal therapy. Additionally, our friend Dr. Wade, a dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, says that you may suffer tooth sensitivity after your root canal procedure. This could be due to gum inflammation, the now-healing infection, or any earlier pain you experienced. An over-the-counter pain reliever would most likely suffice, but consult your dentist first. Also, if the pain worsens or the prescription does not relieve it, consult your dentist. Here are more post root canal tips.

Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry

Brush and floss twice a day and see your dentist for regular checkups to avoid root canals. However, if you must undergo a root canal, make sure you understand what to expect. If you’re worried about the treatment, ask about our sedation dentistry options to help you relax. A root canal does not have to be something you dread. Contact Kissing Camels Family Dentistry today!

National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month

National Dental Hygiene Month 2021

Happy National Dental Hygiene Month! That’s right, all October long, Kissing Camels Family Dentistry is celebrating your dental hygiene. Why, you may ask? Proper oral hygiene habits and professional routine cleanings are key to avoiding dental issues. Small dental problems such as cavities can quickly escalate into dental emergencies. To avoid the pain and the cost of these dental problems, Dr. Boals, our Colorado Springs Dentist, recommends incorporating the following tips into your daily routine. 

Dental Hygiene Tip: Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes is the first step to good dental hygiene. There are a few things to consider before brushing your teeth. Do you have the right toothbrush and toothpaste? Yes, these things do play a role in your oral health. It’s important to use the correct size toothbrush. Using a kid’s toothbrush as an adult wouldn’t do you any good. Dr. Boals says that you should be able to brush one to two teeth at a time. Don’t forget to switch out your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. He also recommends finding a toothbrush that has soft bristles. You could irritate your gums if the bristles are too rough. Most family dentists in Colorado Springs recommends brushing your teeth with toothpaste that is ADA approved.

Dental Hygiene Tip: Floss Daily

Flossing should be done on a daily basis. Many dentists say that if you’re not flossing, you might as well not brush your teeth. That’s because 40% of your teeth are not properly cleaned and, as a result, cavities and tartar form. Over time, this will lead to gum disease and other dental problems. Avoid dental issues and floss at least once a day!

How to Floss: 

  1. Wrap about 18 inches of dental floss around two fingers, leaving about 1-2 inches of floss.
  2. Holding the floss with your thumb and index finger, insert the floss between two teeth.
  3. Gently move the floss up and down, rubbing it against both sides of each tooth. Try to avoid hitting your gums. 
  4. Once you’ve reached your gum line, curve the floss, and move it back and forth between one of the teeth.
  5. Move the floss to the next set of teeth, repeat the steps above until you’ve flossed between all your teeth.

Dental Hygiene Tip: Rinse With Mouthwash

Mouthwash can help you fight against bad breath, plaque, cavities, and yellow-teeth. Consider it as your secret weapon. When shopping around for mouthwash, you may be overwhelmed by how many different types are available. Try to find a mouthwash that will help you achieve your dental hygiene goals. Dr. Boals recommends using an ADA approved mouthwash that has some fluoride. Our friend Dr. Ben Kacos, a dentist in Shreveport, LA, points out that not every mouthwash is used the same way, so read the directions carefully.

Dental Hygiene Tip: Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Did you know that there are many benefits to chewing sugar-free gum after a meal? Patients are often surprised when they hear their hygienists recommend it. Sugar-free gum naturally helps produce more saliva in the mouth. Therefore, it washes away food particles and harmful bacteria. Those suffering from dry mouth can benefit from chewing sugar-free gum regularly. Some popular sugar-free gum brands are Orbit and Trident. 

Celebrate Dental Hygiene Month With Kissing Camels

As you can see, practicing good dental hygiene is very important. Implementing these habits every day will help you keep your smile happy and healthy for life. If you haven’t seen Dr. Boals for your routine check-up and cleaning, please contact our office. If you’re looking for a family dentist in West Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Centennial, or Fillmore, we’d be happy to see you! 


Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.